OAKLAND PARK, Fla. – Local 10 News crews find people willing to brave the elements Saturday.
While water levels were rising at 58th Street in Oakland Park, two brothers, one on a kayak and the other on a bike, who came out once the sun started peeking through.
Another resident trying to buy milk from the local 7-11 found it was closed with sandbags up to the door to prevent the water from coming in.
Residents said that flooding in the area is common, but homeowners were happy that they still had electricity.
Local 10′s Brigette Matter was 14th Avenue off Sheridan Street in Hollywood where streets were underwater.
She spoke with someone else who decided to take to the waters in a kayak.
“It’s a little deeper as you go; (headed) west it starts getting shallower. Hollywood came by and did a good job draining,” he said.
Residents who live in the area say it’s common for this neighborhood to flood.
“I love living here but levels of the water (are) getting worse every year,” another resident said.