Want to vote early? Here are the places you can go and what you need

Florida voters don’t have to wait for Nov. 3 to cast their ballots. Starting Monday, Oct. 19, and through Sunday, Nov. 1, you can participate in Early Voting.

Check the lists because dates and hours may vary based on where you live.

Where are the Early Election sites?

What to bring with you when you go to the polls

  • You will be asked to show a valid photo ID with signature to vote in Florida.
  • Acceptable forms of photo ID include: Florida driver’s license or ID card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; US passport; debit or credit card; military ID; student ID; retirement center ID; neighborhood association ID; public assistance ID; veteran health ID issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs; license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm; or an employee ID card issued by the federal government, the state of Florida, or any county or municipality. The identification must have a photo and a signature.
  • If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature.
  • What to do if you don’t have and ID? You will be able to vote a provisional ballot. Your ballot will count if the signature on your ballot matches the signature on your voter registration record.

If you have a mail-in ballot and would rather drop it off at a location, see where you can drop your ballot below.

Vote-By-Mail Drop Off Locations

  • 24 vote-by-mail drop-off locations will be available in Broward County ahead of Election Day. Click here to find out where.
  • Where are the vote-by-mail drop off locations in Miami-Dade County? Click here for the complete list.
  • 5 vote-by-mail drop-off locations will be available in Monroe County. Click here for the list.

BE ELECTION READY: Check out Local 10.com’s Complete Vote 2020 Guide

WATCH THE LOCAL 10 ELECTION SPECIAL: Ready, Set, Vote on Sunday, Oct. 17 at 7 p.m.


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