Want to float in the open water, watch 'Jaws' this summer? Now you can

Screenings set for this summer near Austin, Texas

For the fifth year in a row, a Texas resort will host an event called "Jaws on the Water," which is exactly what it sounds like: a screening of the shark flick "Jaws," shown to a bunch of people who are brave enough to watch while floating around in inner tubes.

Does this sound like an incredible opportunity, or are you shaking in your boots just thinking about it?

The Volente Beach Resort and Beachside Billy's are responsible for the event, which is set to begin June 8. The screenings will run through Aug. 17, on every Saturday, with July 6 being the only exception.

It's not quite a drive-in, it's more of a "dive-in," as the website points out.

It takes place on the shores of Lake Travis, near Austin.

Tickets to these "On the Water" shows include full access to Volente Beach attractions, and you'll get a keepsake "shark-ified" inner tube and "the thrilling, one-of-a-kind experience of watching cinema’s greatest great whites with your feet dangling dangerously and deliciously in the water," the website says.

The venue hasn't yet posted a link for tickets.

If you go, watch those toes! Everyone has a friend who's going to try to pull some pranks, right?

h/t Delish


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