Pogo, a giraffe born at the Denver Zoo, had lived at ZooMiami since 2009 before he was euthanized on Monday in Miami-Dade.
MIAMI – Veterinarians euthanized Pongo, a ZooMiami giraffe, on Monday morning after he was suffering from increasing pain, ZooMiami announced on Monday afternoon.
Pongo arrived at ZooMiami in 2009 after he was born at the Denver Zoo and nursed with his mother Masika, a reticulated giraffe, also known as a Somali giraffe.
At 16-feet tall, Pongo had grown into the tallest giraffe of the zoo’s herd and visitors were able to see him closely at the Samburu Giraffe Feeding Station.
Pongo, the giraffe, lived at ZooMiami for more than a decade.