Tortuga marina es devuelta al océano por residente de Los Cayos que la nombró “Sparb” como su difunto esposo, en el marco del Día de la Tierra
Read full article: Tortuga marina es devuelta al océano por residente de Los Cayos que la nombró “Sparb” como su difunto esposo, en el marco del Día de la TierraSparb, la tortuga boba, está de vuelta en casa. En la celebración del Día de la Tierra, el personal del Turtle Hospital con sede en Florida Keys devolvió una tortuga boba rehabilitada al océano frente a Marathon.
Sea turtle named Sparb released into the ocean on Earth Day after rehab
Read full article: Sea turtle named Sparb released into the ocean on Earth Day after rehabSparb the loggerhead sea turtle is back home! In celebration of Earth Day, staff from the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital released a rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtle back to the ocean off Marathon.
Woman, 2 men rescued after boat overturns off Marathon
Read full article: Woman, 2 men rescued after boat overturns off MarathonMARATHON, Fla. – Three people on a 12-foot dinghy/boat were rescued Wednesday night about a half mile offshore of Sombrero Beach after it capsized, authorities said. According to Monroe County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Adam Linhardt, a woman who was aboard the boat called 911 around 8:30 p.m. and said the boat she was on had swamped and overturned, sending her and two men who were also on board into the water. “Communications Specialists were to obtain GPS coordinates of where the call was coming from and sent that information to patrol Deputies as well as the U.S. Coast Guard,” Linhardt said in an email. Linhardt said the woman turned on a flashlight so responding authorities could locate the trio. Based on the boaters' statements, authorities believe the small boat may have been swamped by a larger boat’s wake.