Human traffickers force 8 Cuban migrants into prostitution, police say
Read full article: Human traffickers force 8 Cuban migrants into prostitution, police sayHuman traffickers coerced eight Cuban migrants into prostitution in Florida, so they could each pay their $60,000 debt to the smugglers who helped them to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, according to Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister.
Broward among Florida pilot counties taking part in COVID-19 vaccination effort
Read full article: Broward among Florida pilot counties taking part in COVID-19 vaccination effortBROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Broward and Pinellas counties are serving as the two pilot Florida counties that will soon begin distributing COVID-19 vaccines to residents of skilled nursing facilities and their caretakers. The Pfizer-BioNTech immunizations will begin being distributed as early as next week, according to a news release from the Florida Department of Health in Broward County. “The COVID-19 vaccine is a sign of hope as we fight this pandemic in Florida,” said Dr. Paula Thaqi, director of the DOH-Broward. “We are still encouraging residents and visitors to take common sense precautions to protect themselves from the spread of the virus. Broward health officials said paramedic teams will administer the vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines from other manufacturers will be available for use at later dates as supplies reach the state.
Iota, 2da tormenta tropical que amenaza Nicaragua y Honduras
Read full article: Iota, 2da tormenta tropical que amenaza Nicaragua y HondurasCopyright 2020 The Associated Press. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material no puede ser publicado, difundido, reescrito o redistribuido sin permiso. (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)If you need help with the Public File, call (954) 364-2526.
Tormenta tropical Iota avanza hacia Centroamérica
Read full article: Tormenta tropical Iota avanza hacia CentroaméricaCopyright 2020 The Associated Press. Este material no puede ser publicado, difundido, reescrito o redistribuido sin permiso. La fotógrafa de The Associated Press, Lynne Sladky, y el viderreportero Cody Jackson, en el condado Pinellas, y la periodista Michelle Liu, en Columbia, Carolina del Sur, contribuyeron a este despacho. (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. If you need help with the Public File, call (954) 364-2526.