HIALEAH, Fla. Deaths of patients at long-term care facilities make up more than half of all of the COVID-19 deaths in the state.
According to Hialeah's mayor, the city is home to the most long-term care facilities per capita in all of Florida, which is why officials are trying to stem the flow of new COVID-19 cases ravaging them.
Daylet Collazo gushes about her grandmother, Olga Rodriguez, who was one of the many residents of long-term care facilities in Florida who have been killed by the novel coronavirus.
Then, COVID-19 began hitting long-term care facilities in South Florida and, unfortunately, Rodriguez became one of the victims.
State guidelines are that long-term care facility staff be tested for COVID-19 every 14 days, but the City of Hialeah is going to push for them to be tested every five to seven days.