UN climate talks to focus on money to help poor nations cut carbon pollution
Read full article: UN climate talks to focus on money to help poor nations cut carbon pollutionExperts calculate that curbing and coping with global warming is going to cost trillions of dollars and poor nations just don’t have it.
Hurricane Lee barrels through open Atlantic waters after becoming season's first Category 5 storm
Read full article: Hurricane Lee barrels through open Atlantic waters after becoming season's first Category 5 stormHurricane Lee is charging through warm Atlantic waters and threatening to unleash heavy swells across the northeast Caribbean.
This Week in South Florida Podcast: September 12, 2021
Read full article: This Week in South Florida Podcast: September 12, 2021On the latest episode of the This Week in South Florida podcast, hosts Michael Putney and Christina Vazquez speak to Rep. Ted Deutch, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, FIU Associate Dean Dr. Cheryl Holder, Rep. Anthony Sabatini and Rep. Robin Bartleman.
Residentes de Coconut Grove buscan salvar casa de 112 años de la bola de demolición
Read full article: Residentes de Coconut Grove buscan salvar casa de 112 años de la bola de demoliciónEn un vecindario de Miami lleno de historia, destaca una propiedad: 2538 Lincoln Avenue es una casa de pino del condado de Dade de dos pisos, color amarillo alegre, adornada con características arquitectónicas únicas que, según Maria Freed, vicepresidenta de la Asociación de Propietarios de Coconut Grove Park, ayuda a contar la historia de Coconut Grove.
Las tortugas marinas están más vulnerables, agencia de Florida reduce permisos para ambientalistas voluntarios
Read full article: Las tortugas marinas están más vulnerables, agencia de Florida reduce permisos para ambientalistas voluntariosLos activistas ambientales para la Supervisión y Protección de las Tortugas Marinas, también conocida como STOP, denunciaron que las tensiones con la agencia estatal que supervisa sus actividades podrían poner en riesgo la vida de las tortugas marinas en peligro de extinción.
Jefe de policía de Miami anuncia operación de 90 días para combatir violencia armada
Read full article: Jefe de policía de Miami anuncia operación de 90 días para combatir violencia armadaLas autoridades policiales intensificarán las patrullas en partes de Miami que han sido las más afectadas por la violencia armada, anunciaron funcionarios el viernes.
CVS, Walgreens y algunos sitios de Miami-Dade y Broward comenzarán el jueves a vacunar a niños de 12 años en adelante
Read full article: CVS, Walgreens y algunos sitios de Miami-Dade y Broward comenzarán el jueves a vacunar a niños de 12 años en adelanteCVS Health se apresuró a anunciar el miércoles que comenzará a aplicar la vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech a adolescentes de 12 a 15 años en 640 ubicaciones en Florida, ahora que la autorización de uso de emergencia para ese grupo de edad avanza.
CDC aprueba vacuna de Pfizer contra COVID-19 para niños a partir de los 12 años
Read full article: CDC aprueba vacuna de Pfizer contra COVID-19 para niños a partir de los 12 añosUn panel asesor de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos (CDC por sus siglas en inglés) votó el miércoles a favor de la vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 para niños mayores de 12 a 15 años, uno de los últimos pasos para hacer que las vacunas estén ampliamente disponibles para el grupo de edad en un esfuerzo por acelerar el regreso a las escuelas.
¿Cuándo será seguro quitarse las mascarillas en interiores?
Read full article: ¿Cuándo será seguro quitarse las mascarillas en interiores?Los CDC recientemente relajaron el uso de mascarillas al aire libre para las personas que están vacunadas, pero las pautas para interiores permanecen ya sea que uno esté vacunado o no. Facilitar esa orientación, dicen los expertos en salud pública, depende de cuántos de nosotros tengamos una oportunidad.
Pastor de Hialeah ayuda a iglesia hermana al otro lado del mundo que enfrenta crisis de COVID-19
Read full article: Pastor de Hialeah ayuda a iglesia hermana al otro lado del mundo que enfrenta crisis de COVID-19Este fin de semana, el pastor de una iglesia en Hialeah está iniciando una campaña de recolección para ayudar a una congregación y los miembros de su comunidad en la India a casi 14.000 kilómetros de distancia.
Trabajador agrícola de South Dade es asesinado por conductor de un Maserati, dice familia
Read full article: Trabajador agrícola de South Dade es asesinado por conductor de un Maserati, dice familiaFamiliares de Baltazar Lux Terraza dicen que el hombre de 38 años lucho diariamente como trabajador agrícola.
¿Niños y vacunas COVID-19?, esto es lo que dicen algunos padres
Read full article: ¿Niños y vacunas COVID-19?, esto es lo que dicen algunos padresA medida que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) revisa la solicitud de Pfizer de enmendar su autorización de uso de emergencia para incluir a niños de 12 a 15 años en la distribución de la vacuna COVID-19, algunos padres del sur de Florida tienen puntos de vista diferentes y gran parte de la decisión proviene de experiencias personales.
Pese a orden de DeSantis, algunas reglas de uso de mascarilla permanecerán en Miami-Dade
Read full article: Pese a orden de DeSantis, algunas reglas de uso de mascarilla permanecerán en Miami-DadeMiami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava called the pandemic a “present danger to our public health,” adding that “pretending it’s over won’t make it go away. Lifting orders won’t make it go away. What will: getting vaccinated.”
Esfuerzos siguen en curso para alentar al público a recibir su vacuna contra COVID-19, incluyendo trabajadores agrícolas
Read full article: Esfuerzos siguen en curso para alentar al público a recibir su vacuna contra COVID-19, incluyendo trabajadores agrícolasA pesar de los letreros en el sitio federal de vacunación, para que los miembros de la comunidad sepan que las operaciones de aplicación de la inmigración no ocurrirán allí, los problemas relacionados con el acceso y la confianza siguen.
Broward es zona de alto contagio de variantes COVID-19, más jóvenes se dirigen a los hospitales
Read full article: Broward es zona de alto contagio de variantes COVID-19, más jóvenes se dirigen a los hospitalesEl director médico de Broward Health Medical Center señaló que el hospital ha visto "una ola lenta" de pacientes que necesitan ser admitidos recientemente con COVID-19, y Joshua Lenchus también cuenta que están tratando a pacientes más jóvenes con el virus.
El proyecto de uso mixto de Platform 3750 en Coconut Grove se basa en una asociación público-privada
Read full article: El proyecto de uso mixto de Platform 3750 en Coconut Grove se basa en una asociación público-privadaEl comisionado de Miami, Ken Russell, dijo que un proyecto de $ 90 millones en el vecindario West Grove de Miami está haciendo historia con un componente de vivienda asequible y una asociación público-privada.
Broward y Miami-Dade se unen para la campaña de vacunación COVID-19 “Lo hice”
Read full article: Broward y Miami-Dade se unen para la campaña de vacunación COVID-19 “Lo hice”Los condados de Miami-Dade y Broward se están asociando con la Health Foundation of South Florida para abordar lo que los funcionarios ven como una disminución de la demanda de vacunas.
La necesidad para vacunas disminuye a medida que sur de Florida alcanza el 40% de inmunización
Read full article: La necesidad para vacunas disminuye a medida que sur de Florida alcanza el 40% de inmunizaciónMiami-Dade tiene el 40% de su población vacunada, pero los expertos dicen que la cifra debe duplicarse para alcanzar la inmunidad comunitaria, y la demanda de vacunas está disminuyendo.
¿Braman Motors era el objetivo de los piratas informáticos que exigían pago de rescate? Empleado afirma que sí
Read full article: ¿Braman Motors era el objetivo de los piratas informáticos que exigían pago de rescate? Empleado afirma que síFuentes contaron a Local 10 que Braman Motors fue el objetivo de un ciberataque sofisticado, pero la compañía está llamando a este problema una “interrupción de la red”.
Fechorías a alta velocidad en Miramar Parkway tienen a los residentes “traumatizados”
Read full article: Fechorías a alta velocidad en Miramar Parkway tienen a los residentes “traumatizados”Un sistema de vigilancia casero captó al conductor de un Tesla mientras perdía el control de su vehículo alrededor de las 4 a.m. del sábado. Como resultado cruzó por los patios delanteros de las casas a lo largo de Miramar Parkway.
80% de vacunación contra COVID-19 puede ser necesaria para alcanzar inmunidad de la comunidad
Read full article: 80% de vacunación contra COVID-19 puede ser necesaria para alcanzar inmunidad de la comunidadFlorida, que recibió más de 300,000 vacunas contra Johnson & Johnson esta semana, recibirá 37000 la próxima semana, según los CDC.
Enfermera de UCI comparte detalles tras bambalinas de la lucha contra el COVID-19
Read full article: Enfermera de UCI comparte detalles tras bambalinas de la lucha contra el COVID-19Gessy Beauzil-Edouard ha trabajado para el Memorial Healthcare System durante más de dos décadas. La enfermera de la unidad de cuidados intensivos de 51 años contó que nunca había experimentado algo como la pandemia de coronavirus.
La carrera para vacunar choca con multitudes de vacacionistas y causa preocupación, dicen los expertos
Read full article: La carrera para vacunar choca con multitudes de vacacionistas y causa preocupación, dicen los expertosChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
El requisito de edad para la vacuna COVID se reduce a 50+ el lunes; vacunas para todos antes del 1 de mayo
Read full article: El requisito de edad para la vacuna COVID se reduce a 50+ el lunes; vacunas para todos antes del 1 de mayoChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Elegibilidad para vacunas sigue expandiéndose en Miami-Dade: alcaldesa Levine Cava recibe su primera dosis
Read full article: Elegibilidad para vacunas sigue expandiéndose en Miami-Dade: alcaldesa Levine Cava recibe su primera dosisChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Miami-Dade va de puerta en puerta para compartir información sobre las vacunas COVID-19
Read full article: Miami-Dade va de puerta en puerta para compartir información sobre las vacunas COVID-19Christina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
2 nuevos sitios satélite de FEMA para la vacuna COVID-19 abren el jueves en Miami-Dade
Read full article: 2 nuevos sitios satélite de FEMA para la vacuna COVID-19 abren el jueves en Miami-DadeChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Jóvenes reciben la vacuna COVID-19 en Miami Dade College solo con su licencia
Read full article: Jóvenes reciben la vacuna COVID-19 en Miami Dade College solo con su licenciaChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Abrirán dos nuevos sitios de vacunación COVID-19 de FEMA en el sur de Florida este jueves
Read full article: Abrirán dos nuevos sitios de vacunación COVID-19 de FEMA en el sur de Florida este juevesChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Ciudades y municipios locales ansiosos por recibir paquete de ayuda financiera contra COVID-19
Read full article: Ciudades y municipios locales ansiosos por recibir paquete de ayuda financiera contra COVID-19Christina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Menores de 65 deberán llenar formulario específico para vacunarse en sitios FEMA
Read full article: Menores de 65 deberán llenar formulario específico para vacunarse en sitios FEMAChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Se abren varios sitios de vacunación apoyados por FEMA en Miami-Dade
Read full article: Se abren varios sitios de vacunación apoyados por FEMA en Miami-DadeChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Conozca cómo operará el sitio federal de vacunación COVID-19 en Miami-Dade
Read full article: Conozca cómo operará el sitio federal de vacunación COVID-19 en Miami-DadeChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
El jefe de policía de Miami habla con Local 10, mientras se acerca su último día de trabajo
Read full article: El jefe de policía de Miami habla con Local 10, mientras se acerca su último día de trabajoChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
La temporada del equipo de baloncesto de Coral Gables se salvó, después de que los protocolos de COVID habían obligado inicialmente a renunciar
Read full article: La temporada del equipo de baloncesto de Coral Gables se salvó, después de que los protocolos de COVID habían obligado inicialmente a renunciarChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Ciudad de Miami sigue buscando el próximo jefe de policía
Read full article: Ciudad de Miami sigue buscando el próximo jefe de policíaChristina returned to Local 10 in 2019 as a reporter after covering Hurricane Dorian for the station. She is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist and previously earned an Emmy Award while at WPLG for her investigative consumer protection segment "Call Christina."
Coronavirus pandemic has slowed Bahamas recovery efforts following destruction of Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Coronavirus pandemic has slowed Bahamas recovery efforts following destruction of Hurricane DorianPEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – As the Bahamas continue to recover one year after Hurricane Dorian slammed the Abaco Islands, they are being met with another challenge. When COVID-19 forced the Bahamas to shut down, it slowed down the rebuilding efforts, but also left many without jobs. Just as businesses reopened, they were shut down as the Bahamas issued some of the strictest lockdown measures. The Bahamas currently has just over 2000 active COVID-19 cases and a recent surge forced even tougher lockdown measures to contain the spread. She’s been focused on economic relief and helping businesses to reopen, which now with the novel coronavirus, forced all businesses to restructure.
Bahamas marks anniversary of historic tragedy: Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Bahamas marks anniversary of historic tragedy: Hurricane DorianPEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – Bahamians are marking the anniversary of a historic tragedy on Tuesday while dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. The devastating Category 5 Hurricane Dorian first made landfall Sept. 1, 2019 on the Abaco Islands and made a second landfall near Marsh Harbour. “I mean, I was pregnant; I was five months pregnant.”The massive flooding forced some to seek refuge in attics and cut holes in roofs. By Sept. 12, 2019, officials reported 1,300 people had vanished. Months later, Bahamas’ official death toll was 70, but it’s unclear how many people really died because there are still 200 people who are still considered missing.
Bryan Norcross Podcast - A year after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Bryan Norcross Podcast - A year after Hurricane DorianBryan Norcross and Luke Dorris talk about current developments in the tropics, whether Hurricane Laura was as bad as expected, and the anniversary of Hurricane Dorian. Local 10 anchors Calvin Hughes and Nicole Perez join to discuss Dorian, what it was like on the ground in Abaco and what it was like anchoring from South Florida. Plus much more about hurricane coverage on TV. SUBSCRIBE to The Bryan Norcross Podcast - iTunes | AndroidYou can also watch a video version of this week’s podcast below:
'Miracle' dog rescued from Hurricane Dorian adopted
Read full article: 'Miracle' dog rescued from Hurricane Dorian adoptedA "miracle" dog rescued from the rubble of the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian gets new home. Distributed by LAKANA. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Dog rescued in Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian gets new family
Read full article: Dog rescued in Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian gets new family(CNN) - LOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. (WPTV via CNN Wire) -- A dog who miraculously survived after being trapped underneath debris for weeks after Hurricane Dorian tore through the Bahamas in September met his new family Tuesday. Miracle the dog spent weeks recovering and rehabilitating at Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee Groves. At a 7:45 a.m. news conference, Big Dog Ranch Rescue announced that Miracle was adopted by North Palm Beach residents Clark and Brianna Beaty, who have three young daughters. Big Dog Ranch Rescue's veterinary team started treating each condition, and earlier this month, Miracle began learning to walk again. A spokesperson with the facility said that since Miracle arrived at Big Dog Ranch Rescue, more than 10,000 adoption requests have come in from around the world.
'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian gets new family
Read full article: 'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian gets new familyLOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. - A dog discovered alive in the rubble of a collapsed building a month after Hurricane Dorian devastated parts of the Bahamas now has a new home. "Miracle," as the dog is being called, was joined by his new family Tuesday morning during a news conference at Big Dog Ranch Rescue. Lauree Simmons, Big Dog Ranch Rescue founder and president, said Miracle was adopted by Clark and Briana Beaty, who have three young daughters. "I think we picked each other; I don't know," Brianna Beaty said of how she and her family came to choose Miracle. Members of Big Dog Ranch Rescue found Miracle trapped beneath an air-conditioning unit and building debris in Marsh Harbour.
'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas after Hurrricane Dorian gets new family
Read full article: 'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas after Hurrricane Dorian gets new familyLOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. - A dog discovered alive in the rubble of a collapsed building a month after Hurricane Dorian devastated parts of the Bahamas now has a new home. "Miracle," as the dog is being called, was joined by his new family Tuesday morning during a news conference at Big Dog Ranch Rescue. Lauree Simmons, Big Dog Ranch Rescue founder and president, said Miracle was adopted by Clark and Briana Beaty, who have three young daughters. "I think we picked each other; I don't know," Brianna Beaty said of how she and her family came to choose Miracle. Members of Big Dog Ranch Rescue found Miracle trapped beneath an air-conditioning unit and building debris in Marsh Harbour.
A month after Hurricane Dorian, Bahamian dog reunited with family
Read full article: A month after Hurricane Dorian, Bahamian dog reunited with familyFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - After they were separated for more than a month due to Hurricane Dorian, family members on Friday were reunited with their dog. Charlie Cornish and his family were unable to find the dog, Boxe, when they evacuated from the Bahamas because of the hurricane. The International Fund of Animal Welfare and American Humane worked together to locate the animal. Wings of Rescue, the IFAW and were behind the effort to fly the mixed-breed dog from the Abaco Islands to National Jets in Fort Lauderdale. The flight was set to arrive at 4 p.m. From the looks of the photo above, the pair were glad to be reunited.
'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas month after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: 'Miracle' dog rescued from rubble in Bahamas month after Hurricane DorianLOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. - A dog found alive in the rubble of a collapsed building one month after Hurricane Dorian devastated parts of the Bahamas is being called "Miracle." Members of Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee Groves discovered the dog Friday in Marsh Harbour using infrared detection from a drone, the organization's spokesman, Chase Scott, said. Volunteers sifted through broken glass, nails, air-conditioning units and other building debris to rescue the 1-year-old dog, Scott said. Miracle was emaciated and unable to walk, surviving for weeks on only rainwater, Big Dog Ranch Rescue founder and President Lauree Simmons said. Despite his condition, Miracle is expected to make a full recovery after several weeks of treatment and therapy.
Rescuers save dog trapped in rubble after Hurricane Dorian hit Bahamas
Read full article: Rescuers save dog trapped in rubble after Hurricane Dorian hit BahamasThis rescue video shows the volunteers at Big Dog Ranch Rescue saving a dog that was trapped under an air-conditioning unit in the rubble of a building destroyed by Hurricane Dorian. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Puppy found alive in rubble one month after hurricane hit the Bahamas
Read full article: Puppy found alive in rubble one month after hurricane hit the BahamasRescuers found a puppy alive in the rubble of a collapsed building, one month after Hurricane Dorian ravaged parts of the Bahamas. (CNN) - Rescuers say they found a puppy alive in the rubble of a collapsed building, one month after Hurricane Dorian ravaged parts of the Bahamas. Scott said that Miracle was nearly crushed to death after a building collapsed, trapping him under broken glass, an air conditioning unit and building debris. The 1-year-old mixed breed had been surviving only on rainwater, and was "skeleton thin and unable to walk," Scott said. Hurricane Dorian struck the Bahamas in early September, killing dozens of people and leaving hundreds of others missing.
Hurricane Dorian survivors in Bahamas show resilience
Read full article: Hurricane Dorian survivors in Bahamas show resilienceMARSH HARBOUR, Bahamas - Bahamians celebrated Steven Gardiner's victory in the 400-meter dash at the World Athletics Championships Friday night in Doha, Qatar. "Hurricane Dorian was very devastating for my family and my island," Gardiner told reporters after winning the gold medal. (Photo by MatthiasLike Gardiner, Marsh Harbour's community leaders are aiming to tackle a gargantuan challenge. There are some survivors who are not waiting for the government to clean up, and they have already started removing debris themselves. World Central Kitchen, celebrity chef Jos Andrs' nonprofit, is devoted to delivering meals to the struggling survivors.
Displaced Bahamian students in Broward need school supplies
Read full article: Displaced Bahamian students in Broward need school suppliesBroward County Public Schools (BCPS) is partnering with Broward County Government to help students displaced by Hurricane Dorian and who are now enrolled in BCPS. BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. - Hundreds of families, displaced from the Bahamas due to Hurricane Dorian, located to Broward County after the devastating Category 5 natural disaster. According to Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), more than 250 students from the areas hardest hit by the storm have enrolled in the school system; many arrived with nothing. The drop-off location is inside the Broward County Government Center lobby, 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale. 2 pencilsColored pencilsPensPencil casesPencil sharpenersCrayonsCrayon boxesGlueGlue sticksMarkersLoose-leaf paperrulersspiral notepadsComposition bookserasersAdditionally, middle and high school students also need the following:binderscalculators5-subject spiral notebooksThe donated school supplies will be distributed to students and families through the school district's welcome center, located in the Lauderdale Manors Early Learning and Family Resource Center at 1400 NW 14th Court, Fort Lauderdale.
Bahamian entrepreneurs envision public-private partnership to recover from Dorian
Read full article: Bahamian entrepreneurs envision public-private partnership to recover from DorianMARSH HARBOUR, Bahamas - Bahamas' private sector is moving in to try to speed up the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Dorian caused about $7 billion in damages. Families are still hoping to find relatives who vanished when the storm beat the islands with 185 mph winds and 23-foot-high storm surge. "We are looking forward to getting Abaco back in business," Hutton said, adding that the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce was also involved in the vision of a "New Abaco." His vision also includes finding ways to help entrepreneurs with loans and grants. "We are going to take those ideas, and we are going to take them to government and say, 'OK, here is what we've financed, these studies.
A month after Dorian, Bahamas struggles to deal with devastation
Read full article: A month after Dorian, Bahamas struggles to deal with devastationMARSH HARBOUR, the Bahamas - The majority of Abaco Island residents left their flattened homes behind. On Tuesday, Willie Odeous stood amid the rubble in Marsh Harbour, where the relief effort continues after Hurricane Dorian struck a month ago, leaving entire neighborhoods displaced. Smith, a human rights lawyer, fought to prevent the destruction of the Mudd and Pigeon Peas, another migrant village in Marsh Harbour. The displaced Haitian migrants' limbo is a challenge for Bahamian authorities who are offering them temporary shelter. President Donald Trump is not open to helping displaced Haitian migrants move to South Florida.
A month after Dorian, Bahamas struggles to deal with devastation
Read full article: A month after Dorian, Bahamas struggles to deal with devastationMARSH HARBOUR, the Bahamas - The majority of Abaco Island residents left their flattened homes behind. On Tuesday, Willie Odeous stood amid the rubble in Marsh Harbour, where the relief effort continues after Hurricane Dorian struck a month ago, leaving entire neighborhoods displaced. Smith, a human rights lawyer, fought to prevent the destruction of the Mudd and Pigeon Peas, another migrant village in Marsh Harbour. The displaced Haitian migrants' limbo is a challenge for Bahamian authorities who are offering them temporary shelter. President Donald Trump is not open to helping displaced Haitian migrants move to South Florida.
10 dogs, 2 kittens from Bahamas arrive by ship in Hollywood
Read full article: 10 dogs, 2 kittens from Bahamas arrive by ship in HollywoodHOLLYWOOD, Fla. - After a three-week rescue trip to the Bahamas, several animals arrived in Hollywood Wednesday by ship. "We delivered over 60,000 pounds of goods," Jacqueline Le-Buc, of Sea Shepherd, said. After delivering much-needed supplies to the islands, Sea Shepherd brought back 10 dogs and two kittens. Representatives with CompassionKind, a nonprofit organization Sea Shepherd teamed up with, said they are planning to go back soon and rescue more animals. "Now they want to start rebuilding, so (they need) building supplies, saws, nails, hammers, that kind of stuff," Le-Buc said.
Local 10's Calvin Hughes visits Marsh Harbour month after Dorian
Read full article: Local 10's Calvin Hughes visits Marsh Harbour month after DorianMARSH HARBOUR, Bahamas - Nearly a month after Hurricane Dorian ravaged the northern Bahamas, Local 10's Calvin Hughes visited the islands to see not much as changed since the storm struck. Now, almost a month after Dorian, Bahamians are left to assess the loss and devise a plan to recovery. The Bahamas Red Cross has also been providing mental health support for evacuees and trauma victims. On Abaco, residents are still dependent on goods brought in by the military and aid groups. In hard-hit Abaco, Dorian deposited cars and boats onto people's yards.
Local 10's Calvin Hughes returns to the Bahamas a month after Dorian
Read full article: Local 10's Calvin Hughes returns to the Bahamas a month after DorianMassive damage remains on the islands heavily hit by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas a month agoCopyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Damage still seen across Marsh Harbour one month after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Damage still seen across Marsh Harbour one month after Hurricane DorianIt's been one month since category 5 Hurricane Dorian crept across the Bahamas, leaving endless destruction behind. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Surveying damage on Marsh Harbour one month after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Surveying damage on Marsh Harbour one month after Hurricane DorianIt's been one month since Hurricane Dorian destroyed parts of the Bahamas though many areas look as though the powerful storm had just come through. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Humane Society of Broward County seeks homes for dogs, cats rescued in Bahamas
Read full article: Humane Society of Broward County seeks homes for dogs, cats rescued in BahamasFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - The Humane Society of Broward County is trying to get the word out about dogs and cats rescued in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian that are now available for adoption. Twenty-two animals were brought to the Humane Society of Broward County from the Bahamas after Dorian. The Humane Society of Broward County received seven dogs and 15 cats, and other shelters across the state took in the rest. The dogs and cats that were taken to Broward County have all been vaccinated and are ready to be adopted and taken to new homes. Those who are looking to adopt a new pet can visit the Humane Society of Broward County seven days a week from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.To help support the organization's efforts text "save" to 86329.
Dogs, cats taken to Broward County from Bahamas in need of forever homes
Read full article: Dogs, cats taken to Broward County from Bahamas in need of forever homesThe Humane Society of Broward County is trying to get the word out about dogs and cats rescued in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian that are now available for adoption. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
How to adopt dogs rescued from Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: How to adopt dogs rescued from Bahamas after Hurricane DorianThe Humane Society of Broward County is trying to get the word out about dogs rescued in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian that are now available for adoption. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Bahamians struggle to start over in weeks after Dorian's devastation
Read full article: Bahamians struggle to start over in weeks after Dorian's devastationFREEPORT, Bahamas - Grand Bahamas resident Tanya Fox ignored evacuation warnings three years ago when Hurricane Matthew pummeled the Bahamas with its Category 4 fury and survived in a nearby hotel. Dorian left a calamitous trail of destruction in the Bahamas; at ground zero lay the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama. The Bahamian government said this week Abaco and Grand Bahama, alone, had lost $60 million in crops and marine resources. Now, almost a month after Dorian, Bahamians are left to assess the loss and devise a plan to recovery. Residents have taken to burning debris in some areas, as they pick up the mess Dorian left behind.
Bahamas damage remains overwhelming nearly 1 month after Dorian
Read full article: Bahamas damage remains overwhelming nearly 1 month after DorianIt's almost a month since Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas and the devastation is still overwhelming. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Bahamas damage remains overwhelming nearly 1 month after Dorian
Read full article: Bahamas damage remains overwhelming nearly 1 month after DorianIt's almost a month since Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas and the devastation is still overwhelming. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Bahamas schools damaged by hurricane
Read full article: Bahamas schools damaged by hurricaneWater, water everywhere. Public schools in undamaged areas, such as Nassau, re-opened Sept. 9, and some private schools across the islands reopened last week for the start of their school year. At least five private schools were among the first on Grand Bahama to reopen after the storm. On South Abaco, which escaped the worst of the hurricane, Moore's Island Public School and Crossing Rocks Primary School reopened. Henfield, the first-grade teacher, has no answer for frustrated parents who want to know when public schools on the island might reopen their doors.
Here is how to help Bahamian animal shelter dealing with aftermath of Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Here is how to help Bahamian animal shelter dealing with aftermath of Hurricane Dorian"We got a call last week to support this animal shelter," said Leonard Goldberg, the president of Gold Aviation Services. Briland Animal Rescue needs help to deal with Hurricane Dorian's aftermath in the Bahamas. Goldberg said Briland Animal Rescue needs help to continue their mission. The animal shelter needs crates, carriers, leashes, collars, bowls, dog/cat food, poop bags, first-aid kits, any type of pet medications, pee pads, cat litter, beds, blankets, towels and sheets. For more information about how to contribute to the mission, visit the organization's site or make a donation on Briland Animal Rescue's PayPal account.
Effort to help animals impacted by Hurricane Dorian continues
Read full article: Effort to help animals impacted by Hurricane Dorian continuesThe efforts to rescue the many dogs and cats abandoned in the devastated areas of northwest Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian continue and there is a need for help. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
200 Bahamians arrive in Florida fleeing Dorian's devastation
Read full article: 200 Bahamians arrive in Florida fleeing Dorian's devastationMore than 850 Bahamian evacuees arrived Sept. 7 after the storm ravaged the islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco. The latest wave of evacuees arrived from Freeport and waited at the Port of Palm Beach for their relatives and friends. Some described how the water quickly rushed into their homes, bringing in snakes and destroying their belongings. Saunders planned to stay for a week with her sister in West Palm Beach and return to help rebuild. A ferry company last week asked passengers without visas to disembark in Freeport, forcing 119 people to leave the boat.
Miami-Dade commissioners seek to stop eviction proceedings during emergencies
Read full article: Miami-Dade commissioners seek to stop eviction proceedings during emergenciesMIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. - With tears in her eyes, Maria Cazanes told reporters she did not know what she was going to do. "For our law enforcement to participate in (an) eviction on the eve of a storm is unacceptable," said Miami-Dade Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava. Levine Cava applauded Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez calling for these types of evictions to stop. "It's not enough to have it come just at the direction of the mayor to the police department," Levine Cava said. "Law enforcement should be focused on preparing to save lives, not landlord/tenant law, during storm events," Pizzo said in a statement.
South Florida pilot transports 500 pounds of baby supplies to Bahamas
Read full article: South Florida pilot transports 500 pounds of baby supplies to BahamasA South Florida pilot is taking another trip to the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Dorian cost Florida money, even if storm skirted by state
Read full article: Dorian cost Florida money, even if storm skirted by stateIn this NOAA GOES-East satellite handout image, Hurricane Dorian, seen here as a Category 4 storm, moves slowly past Grand Bahama Island on Sept. 2, 2019, in the Atlantic Ocean. Dorian stalled over the Bahamas, dropping torrential rain forORLANDO, Fla. - Although Hurricane Dorian skirted by Florida with hardly any damage, it still cost the Sunshine State money. The Orlando Sentinel reports that just around 70,000 of the almost 130,000 hotel rooms in the Orlando metro area were occupied that day. University of Central Florida tourism professor Deborah Breiter says leisure trips are often easier to cancel than business trips, so when there is a prediction of a storm, people will cancel. The area's tourism marketing agency, Visit Orlando, put out marketing materials on social media letting potential tourists know the area was open for visitors.
Water machine heading to Bahamas to help
Read full article: Water machine heading to Bahamas to helpA man with a plan is going to help the Bahamas recover after Hurricane Dorian by ensuring people on the island have fresh water. The-CNN-Wire & 2019 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.
Here is how to help Bahamian mother struggling with hurricane aftermath
Read full article: Here is how to help Bahamian mother struggling with hurricane aftermathJoseph said there were about 50 other people, including more children, in the building in Marsh Harbour. "Everyone is in the living room right now and the roof is about to lift," she said. Although the apartment building was destroyed, and she doesn't know how to swim, she and her family survived the storm. "She had lost everything in this tragedy, home, employment, clothes," Sabrina Clervil wrote in a Facebook fundraiser page. For more information about how to help Joseph, visit her family's Facebook fundraiser page.
WWII-era plane to deliver aid to Bahamas
Read full article: WWII-era plane to deliver aid to BahamasSome of that aid will be coming via a special World War II-era plane from Montana. (CNN) - Aid is pouring into the Bahamas as the relief effort after Hurricane Dorian ramps up. Some of that aid will be coming via a special World War II-era plane from Montana. The C-47 plane, known as Miss Montana, left the state on Saturday for its trip down south. Earlier this year, Miss Montana flew to Europe to take part in the festivities commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
Dozens of dogs, cats from Bahamas arrive in South Florida
Read full article: Dozens of dogs, cats from Bahamas arrive in South FloridaFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - South Florida animal shelters are stepping up to help the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian. Dozens of cats and dogs arrived at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Monday morning after flying in from the hurricane-ravaged islands. Then, they loaded them into vans heading to shelters across the state, including the Humane Society of Broward County. "I believe we're probably taking about 10 dogs, 10 cats," Cherie Wachter, of the Humane Society of Broward County, said. All 133 animals are from the Bahamas Humane Society of Nassau, which fared well during Hurricane Dorian.
133 dogs, cats from Bahamas to be distribute among 9 Florida shelters
Read full article: 133 dogs, cats from Bahamas to be distribute among 9 Florida sheltersSouth Florida animal shelters are stepping up to help the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Home burglary caught on camera after couple left for Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Home burglary caught on camera after couple left for Hurricane DorianMIAMI SHORES, Fla. - Two weeks ago, a Miami Shores couple left their home to get away from Hurricane Dorian. "It's a little eerie to be quite frank, to think that someone's been rummaging through your house, your bedroom, your child's room," resident Roger Mills said. "Two weeks later now and we still haven't spoke to an investigator," Mills said. "So there hasn't been an official report filed. Anyone with information is urged to contact Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS (8477).
Miami Shores home burglarized while residents left ahead of Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Miami Shores home burglarized while residents left ahead of Hurricane DorianA Miami Shores couple returned home after leaving to get away from Hurricane Dorian and found they had been burglarized. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
This Week in South Florida: Sept. 15
Read full article: This Week in South Florida: Sept. 15On "This Week in South Florida," co-hosts Glenna Milberg and Michael Putney discuss the issues that have come following the devastation in the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Sabatino discusses difficult week for Customs and Border Protection due to evacuees leaving Bahamas
Read full article: Sabatino discusses difficult week for Customs and Border Protection due to evacuees leaving Bahamasdiscusses the week of confusion at Customs and Border Protection for Bahamians desperately looking to leave their homes for help and aid in the days after Hurricane Dorian's destruction. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
TS Humberto forecast to be hurricane Sunday
Read full article: TS Humberto forecast to be hurricane SundayCNN Weather(CNN) - The Bahamas missed the brunt of Tropical Storm Humberto, which is expected to become a hurricane Sunday. Humberto is moving away from the Bahamas and is about 180 miles (290 km) northwest of Great Abaco Island and 165 miles (270 km) east of Cape Canaveral, Florida, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm is slowly strengthening and is expected to become a hurricane on Sunday, said CNN Meteorologist Derek Van Dam. The storm is forecast to continue moving away from the Bahamas and remain well offshore of Florida's east coast through Wednesday, the center said. The islands did get some rain, Van Dam said, but did not get Humberto's full impact.
Family says home was burglarized after they left ahead of Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Family says home was burglarized after they left ahead of Hurricane DorianA family says their home was burglarized after they left ahead of Hurricane Dorian. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
NBA star with Bahamian ties raising money for hurricane relief
Read full article: NBA star with Bahamian ties raising money for hurricane reliefRonald Martinez/Getty Images(CNN) - NBA star Klay Thompson has been visiting his family in the Bahamas since he was a kid. Thompson is raising money for relief efforts in the island nation, he announced in an Instagram post Friday. In the post, he said 100% of the proceeds from his second annual Thompson Family Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament, scheduled for September 19 and 20, will go toward relief efforts throughout the Bahamas. Thompson, 29, whose father is Bahamian, said he's been lucky to be able to visit his family in Nassau since he was a child. The Thompson Family Foundation was created in 2018 by Klay and the rest of the members of the his immediate family, who are all listed as co-founders.
Pollo Tropical pledges to help Bahamians hurt by Dorian
Read full article: Pollo Tropical pledges to help Bahamians hurt by DorianThe UK Ministry of Defence has released aerial images of the damage from Dorian on Great Abaco, in the Bahamas. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. - Pollo Tropical joined forces with Chef Jos Andres. The Doral-based company announced a pledge to contribute to Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the Bahamas with the help of customers. For every Pollo Tropical Original Family Meal purchased at any of the 140 company-owned restaurants, the company will be donating a dollar to the chef's World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit organization providing food to Dorian survivors. On Saturday, Tropical Storm Humberto suspended the United Nations World Food Program's distribution of meals in Grand Bahama.
Pollo Tropical pledges to help Bahamians hurt by Dorian
Read full article: Pollo Tropical pledges to help Bahamians hurt by DorianThe UK Ministry of Defence has released aerial images of the damage from Dorian on Great Abaco, in the Bahamas. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. - Pollo Tropical joined forces with Chef Jos Andres. The Doral-based company announced a pledge to contribute to Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the Bahamas with the help of customers. For every Pollo Tropical Original Family Meal purchased at any of the 140 company-owned restaurants, the company will be donating a dollar to the chef's World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit organization providing food to survivors. On Saturday, Tropical Storm Humberto suspended the United Nations World Food Program's distribution of meals in Grand Bahama.
Thousands of Bahamians struggle to find work after Hurricane Dorian
Read full article: Thousands of Bahamians struggle to find work after Hurricane DorianMembers of the fire rescue team Task Force 8, from Gainesville, Florida, help remove a body one week after Hurricane Dorian hit The Mudd neighborhood in the Marsh Harbor area of Abaco Island, Bahamas, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019. As the northwestern Bahamas struggles to recover from Dorian, residents braced for newly formed Tropical Storm Humberto, which was expected to hit two islands over the weekend that were already battered by Dorian. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said the storm was passing just east of Great Abaco island early Saturday and would bring heavy rains to the northwestern Bahamas. On Grand Bahama it was 11% and had increased to 9% on nearby Abaco before Dorian slammed both islands, with people now trying to find any type of work after thousands lost their jobs. Before the storm hit, the Bahamas had 32,000 people who were self-employed.
Tropical storm Humberto gets closer
Read full article: Tropical storm Humberto gets closerA tropical depression is poised to hit the same northern Bahamian islands that Hurricane Dorian ravaged earlier this month -- and it may be a tropical storm when it does. (CNN) - Humberto is now a tropical storm barreling its way through the Atlantic and threatening the same northwestern Bahamas islands ravaged by Hurricane Dorian nearly two weeks ago. A tropical storm warning was in effect for the northwestern Bahamas, excluding Andros Island, the center said. "Since there is increasing confidence that the storm will remain well offshore of the coast of Florida, the tropical storm watch for that area has been discontinued," the center said. Swells generated by the tropical storm are expected to increase and affect the coasts of central Florida to South Carolina through early next week.
Dog rescuers travel to Bahamas to make family reunions happen
Read full article: Dog rescuers travel to Bahamas to make family reunions happenThe Big Dog Ranch Rescue force in Loxahatchee Groves is on a mission to reunite lost dogs with their families. "I went on social media and Big Dog Ranch Rescue's Lauree [Simmons] came to my aid and said, 'We will do anything, anything for you to get those dogs back,'" Gartlan said. Simmons and her team were racing against the inclement weather coming to the Bahamas this weekend. Simmons promised the team will try to rescue her dog again. HOW TO HELPThe Big Dog Ranch Rescue is hosting a fundraiser from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday at the Oceans Allure at 11300 Legacy Ave., Suite 110, in Palm Beach Gardens.
Dog rescuers travel to Bahamas to make family reunions happen
Read full article: Dog rescuers travel to Bahamas to make family reunions happenWhile Bahamian officials say at least 50 people are dead and 1,300 people vanished during Hurricane Dorian, some survivors are still searching for their dogs. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Bahamians search for loved ones as 1,300 missing after Dorian
Read full article: Bahamians search for loved ones as 1,300 missing after DorianCNN VideoMCLEAN'S TOWN, Bahamas - They scan social media, peer under rubble, or try to follow the smell of death in an attempt to find family and friends. They search amid alarming reports that 1,300 people remain listed as missing nearly two weeks after Hurricane Dorian hit the northern Bahamas. Bryan Norcross: System near Bahamas becomes Tropical Depression NineMeanwhile, a newly formed tropical depression headed toward the Bahamas and was expected to further drench the communities bashed by Dorian. "The disturbance will more than likely take a very similar path to Dorian," chief meteorologist Shavonne Moxey-Bonamy said. Meanwhile, the search for loved ones in Abaco, which Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said were mostly decimated by Dorian, continued with renewed urgency.
Tropical storm likely to form soon near Dorian-ravaged Bahamas
Read full article: Tropical storm likely to form soon near Dorian-ravaged BahamasCNN Video(CNN) - A tropical depression is poised to hit the same northern Bahamian islands that Hurricane Dorian ravaged earlier this month -- and it may be a tropical storm when it does. The storm strengthened into a tropical depression Friday afternoon, and likely will grow in strength into a tropical storm named Humberto, with maximum sustained winds of at least 39 mph, over the next day, forecasters say. The center of Tropical Depression Nine was about 140 miles east-southeast of Great Abaco at 5 p.m. Tropical storm warnings have been issued for areas of the northern Bahamas. A tropical storm watch has been issued for portions of the east coast of Florida, affecting about 3 million people, according to forecasters.
West Palm Beach business rescues dogs in Bahamas
Read full article: West Palm Beach business rescues dogs in BahamasWhile Bahamian officials say at least 50 people are dead and 1,300 people vanished during Hurricane Dorian, some survivors are still searching for their dogs. Copyright 2019 by WPLG - All rights reserved.
Hurricane Dorian: Elbow Cay
Read full article: Hurricane Dorian: Elbow CayELBOW KEY, BAHAMAS - SEPTEMBER 7: An aerial view of view of damaged homes and boats in Hurricane Dorian devastated Elbow Key Island on September 7, 2019 in Hope Town on Elbow Key Island, Bahamas. The official death toll has risen to 43 and according to officials is likely to increase even more. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Getty Images)Hide Caption
Hurricane Dorian: Recovery efforts
Read full article: Hurricane Dorian: Recovery effortsGREAT ABACO, BAHAMAS - SEPTEMBER 04: In this handout image provided by the Ministry of Defence, members of the Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) team from RFA Mounts Bay, provide aid assistance to the Islanders of Great Abaco on September 4, 2019 in Great Abaco, Bahamas. A massive rescue effort is underway after Hurricane Dorian spent more than a day inching over the Bahamas, killing at least seven as entire communities were flattened, roads washed out and hospitals and airports swamped by several feet of water, according to published reports. (Photo by LPhot Paul Halliwell/Ministry of Defence via Getty Images)Hide Caption