“Numerous countries have seen increases in reports of domestic violence since the pandemic began.”Murad said domestic tensions have intensified in confined living spaces, and stay-at-home orders “are increasing human trafficking farther underground, out of sight of law enforcement.”“The few resources designated for prevention, rescue and rehabilitation are being stretched thin,” she said.
She became an activist on behalf of women and girls after escaping and finding refuge in Germany and shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018.
“I am looking forward to the day when we have no sexual and gender-based violence, especially under COVID, from which to be resilient," she said in a virtual speech.
Germany’s Foreign Office Minister of State Michelle Müntefering said the coronavirus makes fighting for gender equality even more important.
“We will not allow sexual and gender-based violence and human trafficking to slip into the shadow,” she said, pledging support to Murad and others “who fight for just and equitable societies every day.”