Florida is considered a low-tax state mostly because there is no personal income tax.
What funds public safety, parks, schools and libraries, cutting the grass and filling the potholes?
Two-thirds of all that is paid for by your property taxes and sales tax. Would you vote to eliminate property taxes?
Last week, a state senator from Fort Myers filed a bill to study just that, and if you’ve heard the governor over the last few weeks, that is not a surprise.
In a social media post, the governor called taxing land and property “oppressive” and “ineffective”.
There is no power at the state level to do away with property taxes, that’s a local county decision.
But you can, via some future constitutional amendment, and that’s what the new bill would to start to study.
Tom Hudson reports on the South Florida economy as senior economics editor at WLRN and he joined This Week in South Florida host Glenna Milberg to discuss. Their discussion can be seen at the top of this page