This Week in South Florida: Golan Vach

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – Prominent among the search and rescue teams at the Champlain Towers South site has been a team from Israel.

Their work and expertise also involved digital mapping of the building that gave first responders on that mountain of debris a precise road map to each apartment.

The leader of that 15-member team is Col. Golan Vach of the Israel Defense Forces. He joined This Week in South Florida hosts Glenna Milberg and Michael Putney to discuss, and their conversation can be seen at the top of this page.


Israeli Col. Golan Vach no longer believes there are Surfside building collapse survivors under rubble

About the Authors
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Glenna Milberg joined Local 10 News in September 1999 to report on South Florida's top stories and community issues. She also serves as host on Local 10's public affairs broadcast, "This Week in South Florida."


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