Bernie Sanders will tell us about aliens if elected president

The best campaign promise of 2019

Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said if he's elected president, he'd let the public know if any suspicious alien behavior is going down, and honestly, that's a campaign promise we can all get behind.

Sanders was a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast earlier this week where he was able to make the case for why he should be president without getting interrupted by another presidential candidate. Sanders was able to make all of his talking points, including free college tuition, universal health care and taking on billionaires and corporations. 

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There was, however, one topic that was brought up that you'd normally never hear discussed at a presidential debate: aliens. 

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Towards the end of the interview, Rogan flat out asks Sanders if he will alert the public about aliens or UFOs if he is elected president. Sanders, without missing a beat, tells Rogan that he's open to the idea. 

"Well I tell you, my wife would demand I let you know," said Sanders. 

Rogan goes on again to reassure that Sanders will let us all know if there is an alien invasion in our midst, and the presidential candidate replied, "All right, we'll announce it on the show. How's that?"

Becoming an alien truth-teller hasn't come up as a hot topic on debate stages during this primary season, but with the public's interest in aliens and UFOs (and let's not forget how millions want to storm Area 51 because they think the government is hiding something), maybe it's not a bad idea for alien and UFO research to become a political issue. President Donald Trump did say he wanted to create a military space force, after all.

As Buzz Lightyear would say, "To infinity, and beyond!" 

About the Author
Jack Roskopp headshot

Jack is a Digital Content Editor with a degree in creative writing and French from Western Michigan University. He specializes in writing about movies, food and the latest TV shows.


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