MIAMI – Former President Donald Trump headlined a conference of Hispanic conservatives in Miami Wednesday.
The Hispanic Leadership Conference is being held at the InterContinental Miami Hotel.
“(I’m) glad to see him because I believe in what he believes in values and family in leadership community and Latinos who work hard,” supporter Marcela Reydoles said.
The gathering comes as Republicans hope to drive up engagement with Hispanic voters.
“We definitely are expecting him to address specifically the importance of Hispanic engagement not only in presidential campaigns, (but) the midterm and local elections as well,” supporter Max Morgan said.
Trump’s remarks began at around 4:30 p.m. and he began by offering his condolences to those who lost their lives after Hurricane Ian.
He commented on the importance of Hispanic voters to the Republican Party.
“The Hispanic community is a blessing to our nation. But today we are watching as everyone we worked so hard, we all work so hard to build together is absolutely being ripped apart,” Trump said.
The gathering comes just weeks before the midterm elections.