She’s running for Congress, but are her ads misleading?

MIAMI, Fla. – Early votes are now being cast in the race for Congress in Florida’s 20th District, parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties.

Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 2 and 11 Democrats are on the ballot. One high-profile candidate is Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, who is blitzing the airwaves with her ads.

The advertisements show a smiling Cherfilus-McCormick promising $1,000 a month to almost everyone, plus Medicare for all and other goodies.

On the ads, she states: “I’m Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, an experienced advocate, executive, mother and wife.”

All true. She is the CEO of Trinity Health Care, a successful home health care company started by her parents, and where she has worked since 1999, according to her official campaign biography. She also has a law degree.

But her latest TV ad appears to make a claim that isn’t true.

Cherfilus-McCormick’s ad says she’s already been fighting for her agenda as a member of Congress.

“I’ve spent the last decade fighting in Congress to drive positive change in health care and job creation for the people who need it most.”

Wait, did you hear what she said? That she’s spent “the last decade fighting in Congress” as if she has already been a member of Congress.

That’s false.

Cherfilus-McCormick has run twice for Congress against Alcee Hastings and lost. She did get 30 percent of the vote in 2020.

Appearing on Local 10′s “This Week in South Florida,” Cherfilus-McCormick vaguely mentioned talking to Congress. Her public relations consultant said she has testified there on health-care issues.

She has spent $3.8 million on her campaign, $3.7 million was a loan from herself. A candidate loaning money to his or her campaign is legal.

Local 10 News tried to get a comment from Cherfilus-McCormick. She did not return our calls.


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