Election inspector David Hopkinson wears a full-face ventilator as a protection against Covid-19 while working at the Emanuel First Lutheran School polling center on Nov. 03 in Lansing, Michigan. (John Moore, 2020 Getty Images)
There’s no doubt that Election Day this year was one for the books. And now, all we can do anxiously await an answer as to who will serve as our president for the next four years.
After record-setting early voting, people still showed up in droves on Election Day to cast their ballot.
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Amid tensions and the ongoing pandemic, things this year looked a bit different than in recent election years.
Below are 10 photos -- all from Getty Images -- that give an indication of how different this Election Day looked.
Jordan Fletcher watches a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters while carrying a firearm on Nov. 3 in Portland, Oregon. (2020 Getty Images)Residents of Baltimore City line up to cast their votes in the U.S. Presidential and local congressional elections at Carver Vocational Technical School on Nov. 3 in Baltimore, Maryland. (2020 J. Countess)Offices and shops around the Black Lives Matter Plaza are boarded up in anticipation of protests on election night on Nov. 3 in Washington, DC. (2020 Getty Images)Protesters march through the streets around Black Lives Matter Plaza on Nov. 3 in Washington DC. (2020 Getty Images)Racial justice protesters marched from the Capitol Hill neighborhood toward downtown on Nov. 3 in Seattle, Washington. Police said they made at least two arrests, including one driver, as multiple large racial justice groups protested on Election Day in the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood and other areas. (2020 Getty Images)Election inspector David Hopkinson wears a full-face ventilator as a protection against Covid-19 while working at the Emanuel First Lutheran School polling center on Nov. 03 in Lansing, Michigan. (2020 Getty Images)A poll worker holds a stylus which is offered to the voters so that they do not have to touch the voting machines at Park Tavern on Nov. 3 in Atlanta, Georgia. (2020 Getty Images)A person holds a sign that reads "The Whole World Is Watching" at the Black Lives Matter Plaza on Nov. 3 in Washington, DC. (2020 Getty Images)Stickers and masks are given to voters after they cast their ballot at a polling location on Nov. 3 in Atlanta, Georgia. (2020 Getty Images)
Did you feel things were different this year? Was it visible or just a feeling?
Hats off to everyone who continue waiting for the announcement of our president.
Dawn Jorgenson, Graham Media Group Branded Content Managing Editor, began working with the group in April 2013. She graduated from Texas State University with a degree in electronic media.