MIAMI – Orchids are Martin Motes' life.
"It's actually about six acres," said Motes, an orchid breeder in Redland, who fears FIU's possible expansion into the Miami-Dade County Fairgrounds could force his small business to plummet.
"These are orchid seedlings that are growing as we say in glass," Motes said, while showing Local 10 News the process it takes to breed and grow the specialized plants.
Motes has been breeding orchids for three decades. And every year, he uses the fair grounds to host an orchid festival.
Fifty other orchid growers show up to show off their breeds.
"There are probably 30,000 species of orchids. And there are probably 150,000 artificial hybrids that have been made," he said. "They're very good plants. They're long lasting. They'll bloom several times a year."
The colorful flowers are not what you'll find at your local supermarket.
"We have visitors who come from as far away from Europe and South America. They come from all over the country for it," Motes said.
The South Florida native fears if the fair moves, so will his customers and the tourists.
"It probably would have a massive effect in our event. It may even destroy it," Motes said.
Motes' Orchid Show is just one of the many events you'll find on the fairgrounds.
Gun shows and Cuba Nostalgia are among the big hits, well-attended events every year.
Fair officials tell Local 10 News they gross about $1.1 Million in revenue from events other than the fair.
"If you move that date, if you move that place then you'll likely going to lose a large part of your audience whose expectations have been upset," Motes said.
He wants to remind people the fair is just one event.
"You're talking about an immense amount of businesses that will be impacted by this," he said.
Even if voters approve the measure that would allow the Miami-Dade County Youth Fair and Exposition to move to another location, the county still has to find an equal or better site for the new fairgrounds and FIU has to pay for the move.
Motes is convinced nothing will compare to holding his Orchid Show at Tamiami Park.