Casey Anthony, who was acquitted in the murder of her daughter about 15 years ago in Orange County, is using TikTok to promote herself as a “legal advocate.”
Anthony, 38, said the video she published on Saturday on the “caseyanthony_substack” was the “first of probably many” of a series that she started with a $10 monthly subscription.
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“I feel that it’s important that I use this platform that was thrust upon me, and now look at as a blessing, as opposed to the curse that it has been,” Anthony said in the video published on Saturday.
Detectives and prosecutors accused Anthony of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008 and hiding her body in the woods. Anthony’s mother, Cindy Anthony, reported Caylee missing.
Attorney Jose Baez, the lead defense attorney in the case, claimed the killer was Caylee’s grandfather, George Anthony, who had sexually abused Casey and could have been abusing Caylee.
Cindy and George Anthony denied the accusations. Attorney Brad Conway, who represented them, told Fox News that Casey Anthony was using “her infamy” to get “attention and money” and using George, Cindy, and Caylee as “the hook for people.”
Casey Anthony was acquitted in the murder case in 2011. A jury found her guilty of providing false information to law enforcement.