Dania Beach man accused of possessing 750 child sex abuse images, videos

Edward Madrid Sanabria (BSO)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A Fort Lauderdale police investigation into a man for taking nude photographs of a child he knew revealed a disturbing collection of child sexual abuse images and videos depicting victims as young as babies, according to an arrest warrant.

Edward Madrid Sanabria, 25, of Dania Beach, is now facing 11 felony charges related to the possession of child sexual abuse material following his arrest Monday, jail records show.

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Authorities said in September, a woman contacted Fort Lauderdale police to report that she found nude photos of her daughter on Madrid Sanabria’s phone. They said she screenshotted the photos and sent them to herself as evidence.

Local 10 News is not disclosing the relationship between Madrid Sanabria and the girl in order to avoid identifying her.

Police said while searching Madrid Sanabria’s phone, they not only discovered photos of the girl, but images and videos of other girls as young as 3 being raped or otherwise sexually abused by men.

According to the warrant, a full search of his phone would reveal even more disturbing content: about 750 child sexual abuse photos and videos and another 257 files of “child erotica.”

Police said the victims shown in the files were boys and girls ranging in age from “infant” to 13, being abused at the hands of both men and women.

Madrid Sanabria was being held in the Broward Main Jail on a $110,000 bond as of Tuesday evening, online records show.

About the Author
Chris Gothner headshot

Chris Gothner joined the Local 10 News team in 2022 as a Digital Journalist.


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