Dog found on streets of Hollywood believed to have been stabbed with machete

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A dog was recently found alone on the streets of Hollywood, bleeding from a large gash on its back.

Now the questions remain -- how was the dog injured and who is responsible?

Photos of the brindle bulldog mix named Hunter are very disturbing to look at.

The dog was found around 6:30 a.m. Friday wandering into someone’s backyard in the 6100 block of Madison Street for help after being stabbed with a machete.

Local 10 blurred the images of the dog’s injuries due to how graphic they are.

Hunter is now under the care of veterinarians after being found at the corner of Jefferson Street and 62nd Avenue, suffering from severe injuries.

These injuries range from serious orthopedic pain to blunt force trauma to injuries on the dog’s knees and legs, including a torn ACL.

The dog was rushed to Sunshine Animal Hospital in Pembroke Pines, where veterinarians say it appears the dog was possibly hit by a car on top of being stabbed.

iHeart Animal Rescue and the Brady Hunter Foundation stepped in to help with the growing medical bills from the attack to the dog.

Good Samaritan Cindy Hunt found the dog last week, suffering from a large gash and having a hard time walking.

“It was across her shoulder blades, down her side and the skin had separated a lot, so it was a big area,” she said.

“If you see something, say something -- just don’t let your neighbor have dogs tied up in the backyard or in cages,” Cindy Mucciaccio, with iHeart Animal Rescue, said.

The medical bills for Hunter are very pricey and donations are needed..

To support Hunter and learn more about iHeart’s mission and current dogs available for adoption, follow their Instagram account @IHeartAnimalRescue. There is also a link to donate via PayPal in their bio.

To foster or adopt one of their animals, you can text their rescue line at 954-501-0637.


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