With abortion on Florida ballot, effort changes to educating voters

MIAMI – The same groups who collected more than a million petition signatures to get abortion rights on the Florida ballot are pivoting to an education and get-out-the-vote campaign.

They estimate $1 million a week to saturate Florida’s 10 TV markets, digital and social media, door knocking and phonebanking.

“When women and voters have all the accurate info, they overwhelmingly support this,” said Ashley Walker with the Florida Women’s Freedom Coalition.

The morning after the Florida Supreme Court decision, an email fundraising blast went out from the Republican Party of Florida.

“We’re protecting life in all its forms,” said Evan Power, Chair of the Florida GOP. “It’s a simple proposition that we’re going to protect life.”

That campaign tells readers the Florida amendment would allow abortions up to the time of birth, though the proposed amendment actually lifts restrictions before viability, a medical standard Florida had recognized as typically about 24 weeks, or when necessary to protect a patient’s health, as determined by her healthcare provider.

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