Hollywood dog owner wants answers after deadly pitbull attack caught on camera

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A South Florida pet owner is devastated after her small dog was killed after being attacked by a pitbull.

The attack occurred on the evening of March 13th off Taft Street and North 52nd Avenue in Hollywood.

“I was on the ground too because the dog is so big, he had to weigh at least 80 pounds,” said Jessica Reeder. “He pulled me down too. I scraped up my knees, I scraped up my hands.”

She said the attack occurred as she was taking a walk with her dog that they would take multiple times a day.

But this time was different.

The attacks lasted roughly 30 seconds, until a man believed to be the pitbull’s owner scared away his aggressive dog and stopped the mauling.

“He just attacked my dog brutally,” said Reeder. “He picked him up in his mouth and he never let him down.”

Piper, the 7-year-old shih-tzu that Reeder had since a puppy, died at an emergency veterinarian hospital after the incident.

“I am hurt, my heart is broken in a hundred pieces,” she said. “That dog was my life.”

Animal Control has been notified over the incident and the pitbull’s owner was cited for not having proper vaccination records.

At this time, however, the dog has not been confiscated and remains with its owner, something that is upsetting to Reeder.

About the Author
Terrell Forney headshot

Terrell Forney joined Local 10 News in October 2005 as a general assignment reporter. He was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, but a desire to escape the harsh winters of the north brought him to South Florida.


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