Recordings played in gymnastics coach sex crimes case: ‘It all happened so fast’

But, once again, there was a hitch in court hearing

MIAMI – A Key Biscayne gymnastics coach, who is accused of sex crimes against two of his students, was back in court Wednesday for a critical hearing.

Investigators said the incidents involved a 16-year-old and 14-year-old and happened several years ago, between 2009 and 2012, while Oscar Olea was working as a gymnastics coach in Key Biscayne.

Prosecutors played video of police questioning Olea, 38, after a 7-year-old said he touched her inappropriately and made lewd comments.

The interview came from a detective’s body-worn camera.

“I understand you need to do those things to coach them, the tickling and the other stuff,” a detective is heard asking Olea. “Is that part of, like, standard training of gymnastics coaching, or is that something you think you do because you’re animated as you describe?”

Olea replies, “I do it cause I’m animated, at the same time, I do it because it builds a good reputation — not reputation, good rapport, or good vibe with the parents, kids.”

That interview led to more problems in what has been three days of issues in court.

That child’s name was not redacted in the recording like prosecutors promised Tuesday and her name was repeatedly aired in open court.

The judge was so upset, he recessed the hearing and called a meeting with the attorneys in his chambers to figure out how to proceed.

All parties, ultimately, agreed the recording would not be played further, to protect the alleged victim’s identity.

An audio recording from another alleged victim was also played in court.

“He would say you’re my best friend, you’re my sister, almost, like, in a way, grooming,” she said in the recording. “It all happened so fast. Like, I had no control of any of it.”

She said Olea groomed her into a sexual relationship.

“I want this man arrested. He needs to go to freaking jail,” she said in the recording. “I cannot stand the fact that I know that (unintelligible) for 20 years.”

More recordings from alleged victims are expected to be played on Thursday, as court proceedings continue.


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