Fight over RVs-as-housing grows in Hialeah; officials consider new rules

HIALEAH, Fla. – Hialeah city commissioners are set to debate a revamped ordinance to deal with what officials consider to be the problematic prevalence of RVs being used as rental housing.

One couple in the city believes they were treated unfairly amid the crackdown.

Inspectors put up an “unsafe” sign and shut off water and electricity to the RV in Jose and Elisa’s yard. The former needs a respirator, the latter is partially-blind.

“It’s abusive what they are doing to two old people,” Elisa said in Spanish

What she calls abusive is the consequence of connecting an RV in their yard to their home water and sewer lines and allowing people to live there. Pictures from city records showed that setup.

Jose said the RV was home for family from Cuba with nowhere else to go, but he admitted to buying the RV with the intention of renting it out.

“It’s against the know that,” Local 10 News reporter Glenna Milberg reminded him.

“Yes,” Jose replied in Spanish.

The couple paid $700 in fines and fees and was able to get approval to reconnect power and water.

Local 10 News obtained a list of RVs in Hialeah legitimately registered with the state; officials guess there are actually twice that number.

Hialeah Mayor Steve Bovo first brought the issue up last fall, suggesting limits on numbers and sizes of RVs on residential property.

At the Hialeah City Council Tuesday night, officials are expected to discuss an ordinance doing so.

About the Author
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Glenna Milberg joined Local 10 News in September 1999 to report on South Florida's top stories and community issues. She also serves as host on Local 10's public affairs broadcast, "This Week in South Florida."


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