North Miami police accuse man of uploading 40 child sex abuse videos

Anthony Fields (MDCR)

NORTH MIAMI, Fla. – Officers with the North Miami Police Department arrested an Opa-locka man Tuesday after they said a tip from Google led them to discover that he uploaded 40 child sexual abuse videos online.

According to an arrest report, detectives were tipped off that Gmail accounts associated with Anthony Xavier Fields, 30, uploaded the videos to the Google Photos application over a 10-month span beginning in February 2022.

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Police said he used two different Gmail accounts to do so. The report doesn’t describe the nature of the videos.

Police said they located Fields, who uploaded the child sexual abuse material while he lived in North Miami, at his residence on Rutland Street in Opa-locka Tuesday.

During an interview at the NMPD headquarters, Fields confirmed the accounts belonged to him but claimed he didn’t use them and denied uploading any child sexual abuse material, the arrest report states.

Fields, charged with 40 counts of possession of child sexual abuse material and one count of unlawful use of a communications device, was being held in the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on a $53,000 bond as of late Wednesday morning.

About the Author

Chris Gothner joined the Local 10 News team in 2022 as a Digital Journalist.

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