South Florida resident describes chaos of having family in Gaza as war continues

DORAL, Fla. – As Israel continues to warn civilians on the Gaza border to evacuate ahead of a military operation against Hamas members who are entrenched there, the consequences of that terror attack are now putting its own people in danger.

Hakeem Basheer is one of countless people in South Florida whose family is bearing those consequences.

Basheer told Local 10 News Tuesday that he’s lost multiple relatives in the conflict and that he was finally able to get in touch with his brother in Gaza three days ago.

It’s the first time that the two have spoken since the war began over two weeks ago.

All he wants now is for it to end before more lives are lost.

“I don’t care who started what, but I care we have 2.3 million people being relentlessly bombed every single second,” Basheer said. “By the end of this interview, God knows how many will have lost their lives.”

For the past two years, Basheer says that Doral has been his home, but Gaza is where he was born and raised.

“I really hope for this to be over,” he said. “This is a nightmare.”

Officials announced Tuesday that Israeli airstrikes across the Gaza Strip have killed more than 700 people in the past 24 hours — and nearly half of them are children.

Basheer shared a screenshot with Local 10 News of his 4-month-old nephew being captured during a video call with his brother whose wife and 7-year-old daughter, along with dozens of other relatives and friends that remain trapped in the war zone.

“I have them today,” said Basheer. “There’s no guarantee we’ll have them tomorrow.”

Basheer said that the war is coming to a point where families are struggling to find food.

“I would send them the money, the aid, or the help they need, but there is no way for aid, or their basic human necessities to go in or out at this moment,” he said. “They have to survive on what is left.”

As Basheer continues to worry about his loved ones in Gaza, he still remains hopeful that humanity will prevail.

“Sit at the table and talk it out. Figure out an agreement (and) leave the civilians out of it,” he said.

About the Author

Layron Livingston made the move from Ohio's Miami Valley to Miami, Florida, to join the Local 10 News team.

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