Miami Seaquarium releases necropsy report on beloved whale Lolita

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The Miami Seaquarium released results of a necropsy Tuesday, nearly two months after the death of killer whale Lolita.

According to the documents, Lolita died of old age and multiple chronic illnesses.

Some of the illnesses listed in the document include renal degeneration and a chronic condition of the heart.

The killer whale was captured in 1970 and performed with trainers as a tourist attraction for decades.

The beloved orca died back in August at 57 years old.

Just a few days prior to her death, a veterinarian said Lolita was in excellent health.

Miami Seaquarium officials say Lolita exceeded the average life expectancy in the wild by several years.

They also say she was one of the longest-lived orcas under human care, but animal activists are pushing back, demanding a more detailed investigation into the causes that led to her rapid health decline, including cuts to her diet.

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