Police search for vandal ripping down signs for Miami Beach mayoral candidate

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Police in Miami Beach are investigating after someone has continuously ripped down signs belonging to a mayoral candidate.

The vandal is only targeting signs for Commissioner Steven Meiner. Surveillance video from Friday night shows the man ripping a sign down and then throwing it into the street.

The election isn’t until November, but the campaign is heating up in July.

“In the video, you see him chucking it into the road,” said Meiner. “It’s damaged, I can’t use it.”

It happened again sometime overnight between Sunday and Monday.

“This is not easy,” said Meiner. “The zip ties are very strong, I couldn’t do it.

“About 25 signs have been removed in the past few days.”

Monday morning, Meiner found another sign vandalized at the busy intersection of 41st Street and Pine Tree Drive.

“There is one block where six of my signs are removed, and the one for mayor is still sitting there,” he said.

Along Indian Creek Drive, more signs were taken down.

Miami Beach police confirmed there is an active investigation ongoing and whoever is doing this has no sign of letting up.

Meiner wants the person caught and prosecuted.

About the Author
Rosh Lowe headshot

Reporter Rosh Lowe has been covering news for nearly two decades in South Florida. He joined Local 10 in 2021.


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