Parkland parent Fred Guttenberg has strongly-worded response to Kid Rock’s rifle-firing video

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – One of the parents of a victim of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is going after musician Kid Rock on social media.

In the video, musician Kid Rock, while wearing his Make America Great Again cap, turned and faced the camera and said he was feeling “frisky.”

He then opens fire from an AR-15 style rifle into a couple of cases of beer before swearing at the beer maker, Anheuser-Busch.

The video prompted a response from Parkland parent Fred Guttenberg.

He wrote to the musician that he too was feeling “frisky” and wanted to be “clear and concise.”

Guttenberg’s tweet included an image.

“This is my daughter Jaime (under the black oval) and these are the students running over her for safety to avoid getting shot by the AR 15 that killed her,” the tweet read.

Guttenberg candidly ended his tweet with a not so nice message for Kid Rock.

“F--- YOU!!!”, he wrote.

It all started with a sponsored post, shared by a transgender influencer.

She said to celebrate her first year of womanhood, Bud Light sent her a can with her face on it.

Camille Lewis sits on the board with the McKenzie Project, a Black-led South Florida trans-advocacy organization.

“That young lady was simply living her life, probably getting a couple of dollars in her pocket, kudos to you, sister,” Lewis said. “In order to get up and dress, and adorn yourself, and dress yourselves, mentally, and physically, as someone that you see in the mirror that others do not see, that’s balls.”

Lewis said yes, there is a through-line with the posts.

“It’s ok to be triggered by it,” she said, while adding the issues are different. “Because it can be taken the wrong way as if you’re trying to ride the situation, or give it another, or spin as if it’s about this. No, this is just simply because that young lady is trans.

“This happens because trans women are slain at astronomical rates. My response to Kid Rock is [expletive] you, right back.”


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