A 56-year-old man known as The Sorcerer of Liborina covered a 31-year-old mother of four with a potion that was made out of alcohol, sulfur, and camphor, a waxy substance that is usually made with turpentine oil, according to prosecutors.
The sorcerer was performing a healing ritual in a small town in northwest Colombia when he also poured the potion on the floor, and set it on fire just before the flames reached the woman who was covered in the flammable substance, according to police.
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Investigators reported that after the woman suffered burns on about 70% of her body, Martín Rangel Londoño Jaramillo sent her home and recommended an herbal treatment, so she died about a week later in a hospital in the city of Medellin.
Prosecutors announced the fugitive’s arrest on Sunday on a murder charge for the Sept. 16, 2021 crime in Sopetrán, a rural area northwest of Medellin. Londoño Jaramillo, also known as “Hoyito,” denied the accusations.
Los hechos ocurrieron en zona rural Sopetrán, #Antioquia, la tarde del 16 de septiembre de 2021, cuando Martín Rangel Londoño, alias el Brujo de Liborina, en medio de un ritual de sanación, habría ungido a la víctima con un líquido inflamable a base de alcohol, azufre y alcanfor. pic.twitter.com/9sI4cR0VXq
— Fiscalía Colombia (@FiscaliaCol) February 26, 2023
Según la investigación, el hoy procesado, al parecer, le prendió fuego a una porción de la sustancia que estaba en el piso, pero las llamas alcanzaron a la mujer, madre de cuatro hijos menores de edad. pic.twitter.com/Od3KaPY6lT
— Fiscalía Colombia (@FiscaliaCol) February 26, 2023