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Surfside mayor launches police investigation over parody email sent to town residents

SURFSIDE, Fla. – A parody email making its way around Surfside has become the talk of the town.

The parody email was sent to Surfside Mayor Shlomo Danzinger’s town email list.

Residents getting the email that begins by saying:

“Dear Loyal Subjects,

This new year is truly glorious. After months of silencing both outspoken residents and staff while pushing forward my divisive, distasteful, and environment-polluting personal agenda, I have finally rid Town Hall of any professional pushback that might hamper my personal political ambitions.

It turns out that the “rules” and “laws” of local government require a level of transparency and cooperation that cannot keep pace with my insatiable ego and re-election campaign. It seems that Florida’s Sunshine laws are far too bright for my delicate complexion. Genuine collaboration and open dialogue at the dais is far too messy; thankfully, a helpful cadre of fixers have stepped up to assist. Being a ceremonial Mayor with only 20% input in a “Strong Manager” form of government was getting to be a real drag.

Thanks to my leadership, the Surfside “Coup of ‘22” was a tremendous success. While you were distracted making holiday plans, I was able to oust our exceptional and professional Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and Police Chief, all in a record-breaking 24 hours.

Of my many odious achievements, this might be my finest moment. And triumphantly, I am finally getting the spotlight I deserve.”

Excerpt from parody email sent to Surfside residents

At the bottom of the email, it does say it is a satire and parody.

Eliana Salzhauer is a former commissioner and vocal critic of Danzinger.

She says that’s it clear the email is a parody and protected under the First Amendment.

“It is a public record, so any resident can say, ‘I want to see Shlomo’s email list,’” Salzhauer said.

Danzinger eventually sent an email to residents saying, in part:

“Please note that my email account was not hacked. Your email address was obtained via a public records request submitted to the town. I apologize for the invasion of privacy you have experienced. Our Police Department is currently investigating the matter and will be taking appropriate action once more information is obtained.”

“I think park day and satire are well protected and have a long history in America,” said Salzhauer.

Surfside police said Tuesday that they looked into it, but after speaking with the State Attorney’s Office, it was determined that at this time there are no criminal violations.

“When he opens a police investigation, that’s when he takes this to a whole other level matter of crazy,” said Salzhauer. “From the outside, you may have people looking at this saying what’s going on. I think every town has something like that going on under the hood.”

About the Author
Rosh Lowe headshot

Reporter Rosh Lowe has been covering news for nearly two decades in South Florida. He joined Local 10 in 2021.


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