Mother reunites with 6-year-old who was kidnapped by his father, grandmother

Jojo Morales had been missing for 2 months before being found in Canada

MIAMI – A South Florida child is finally back home and in his mother’s arms after he was found safe in Canada.

Police say 6-year-old Jojo Morales’ father, Jorge Morales, and grandmother, Lilliam Pena Morales, abducted him two months ago.

His mother, Yanet Concepcion, was brought to tears after finally hugging her son after two months apart.

They were reunited late Tuesday night at Miami International Airport.

“I just want to hug him,” Concepcion said. “I missed that voice so much.”

Investigators say someone called police after spotting Jojo at a Canadian Walmart in New Brunswick.

Jorge Morales and his mother, Lilliam Pena Morales after they were detained in Canada. (WPLG)

“I told her, ‘Thank you for saving my son’s life,’” Concepcion told reporters.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police took the boy’s father and grandmother into custody.

In late August, Concepcion went to pick up her son as part of a custody exchange but the boy had disappeared.

Several days later, police found a potential clue close to 2,000 miles away.

Maine State Police say the three may have been in an SUV that was located in Littleton, Maine, near the Canadian border.

Jojo Morales, 6, photographed inside Walmart in New Brunswick, Canada. (Photo provided to Local 10 News by Yanet Concepcion.)

Police did not reveal any other clues found after that.

Concepcion previously told Local 10 News she believed Morales was planning their escape for a year.

She says Morales spent time researching living off the grid. He and his mother are now facing serious felony charges.

Jojo and his mother met with the FBI Wednesday morning for one last time.

Concepcion says their plans are to recreate Halloween and celebrate her birthday that passed while he was missing.

She added that it’s going to be tough to let him out of her sight.

Concepcion said she would like to meet the tipster and thank her in person.

FULL VIDEO: Jojo reunites with mother at Miami International Airport

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