Portable water pump outside Miami mayor’s home causes stir

MIAMI – Portable water pumps are now part of storm preps in Miami’s low-lying neighborhoods.

When one pump appeared right in front of the mayor’s home last week, his political critics assumed he got special favors and took videos of the pump.

But did he actually receive any special treatment?

Speaking to Local 10 News over the phone, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez was adamant he was not the beneficiary of any favors.

He’s a homeowner on a low-lying block near a bay that floods.

There are 14 neighborhoods around the city that flood regularly, and where the city also placed temporary pumps during last Wednesday’s rainstorm.

Residents alert the mayor’s office to areas that need the pumps the most so it can be determined as to where to send the pumps.

There is no indication that the one outside Suarez’s home was requested by the mayor to be there.

In addition to the 14 temporary pumps, the city has another 12 existing locations with pumps in place.

As for who decides where they go, that would be public works. Local 10 News is waiting to hear back from that department.

About the Author
Glenna Milberg headshot

Glenna Milberg joined Local 10 News in September 1999 to report on South Florida's top stories and community issues. She also serves as host on Local 10's public affairs broadcast, "This Week in South Florida."


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