Police investigating after dead dog found on bank of Hollywood canal

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A horrific discovery was made in a Hollywood canal.

Residents found a dead dog with a pillow case over its head and legs.

At this point, police aren’t ready to call it a case of animal cruelty, but they are investigating.

The incident has blown up on social media with animal lovers outraged, calling it an act of cruelty.

Police are saying not so fast.

The dog was found on the Fourth of July on a canal bank off Johnson Street by Stanly Golman Park.

Norma Benford saw the dog being left there from across the canal. She raced over, as an animal lover, and couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I was sitting here and I looked over and I said, ‘Geez, that looks like a body,’” Benford said. “I came across this horrible scene.”

Benford posted video on social media hoping someone knew who owned the dog and who was responsible.

“He looked like he was well taken care of,” she said. “He wasn’t skinny, no ribs (showing). How could someone do that?”

Dead dog found next to Hollywood canal (WPLG)

Benford says Hollywood police were there for a few hours on the Fourth and an investigator removed the pillow case from the dogs head.

“By his head they found a collar and they found a toy, a dog toy,” she said. “I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh.’”

Hollywood police returned to the scene on Wednesday, questioning Benford about what she may have seen.

The remains were taken to Hollywood Animal Hospital to determine an exact cause of death.

Police believe this may be a case of illegal dumping, but will make a final determination after a necropsy is performed.

While disposing of a dead animal can be costly, the Broward Humane Society will perform cremation for a $50 donation.

Broward County Animal Care and Regulation will dispose of a deceased animal for free.

Miami Dade Animal Services charges $10 for an animal under 25 pounds, $15 for an animal 26 to 50 pounds and $20 for an animal 50 pounds and over.

“How could someone do this, even if the dog died?” Benford said. “You don’t dispose of him like that, like garbage.”

Anyone with information is urged to call the Hollywood Police Department.

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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