
Dog survives 2 shots to the head; now he needs help with surgery

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – Saint, an American bulldog, has two bullets lodged in his head.

Paula Ferreira, a veterinarian with a clinic in west Miami-Dade County, examined Saint.

“There’s the more forward one in the nasal cavity, the sinus, and there’s the one that’s further back,” Ferreira said adding, “He has one single bullet wound here which makes me think that somebody had the gun right up to his head.”

Saint arrived at the Miami-Dade Animal Services shelter on Tuesday and the Humans and Animals United Rescue, a nonprofit organization, has been helping him since.

“I thought that he would be aggressive or crazy but he was completely angel,” said Claudia Gonzalez, a volunteer of the Humans and Animals United Rescue.

Ferreira said Saint needs a costly CT-Scan and surgery to remove the bullets.

HOW TO HELP: Humans and Animals United is accepting donations on Paypal

Someone shot Saint, an American bulldog, twice in the head. On Friday, a veterinarian said he needs surgery. (Courtesy photo)

“If you guys can help us out to have some money and raise money for him it would be so awesome. Also adopters, I know there’s going to be an application so help us, please, please help us,” Gonzalez said.

Miami-Dade Animal Services personnel is investigating the shooting and the rescue needs to raise thousands for Saint’s care.

“I think we’re going to at least be able to get one of them out. The one that seems to be lodged in his sinuses. The other we don’t know yet. It depends on what structures it’s touching, what damage it caused. We’ll know in the next few days,” Ferreira said.

5:30 p.m. report

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