5-year-old boy dies after being left in hot SUV for hours

Mother was preparing for daughter’s birthday party when she realized her son had been left in SUV, authorities say

HOUSTON, Texas. – A five-year-old boy died Monday after being left in a hot SUV for several hours, authorities confirmed.

The incident happened in the Houston-area of Texas as temperatures were in the 90s.

Officials confirm the boy’s mother was getting ready for her 8-year-old daughter’s birthday party and accidentally left her son in the SUV.

The Harris County sheriff says the family’s regular car was being worked on, and the current theory is that the little boy was unfamiliar with the loaner Porsche and was unable to get out.

Authorities believe the child may have been in the SUV for up to three hours before his mother realized he wasn’t inside their home and rushed outside to find him still buckled in his car seat.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to authorities, the mother claimed that her son knew how to unbuckle himself and get out of the vehicle.

It’s unclear whether she will face charges.

About the Author
Amanda Batchelor headshot

Amanda Batchelor is the Digital Executive Producer for Local10.com.


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