2 Florida senators not part of bi-partisian team working on gun-reform legislation

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden addressed the Naval Academy class of 2022 on Friday ahead of his weekend trip to meet with the victims’ families of the mass shooting in Texas.

In Washington D.C., a bipartisan group of lawmakers is now working on gun reform legislation. But two Florida senators are not part of that group.

“I’m actually interested in what we can do to make the terrible events that occurred in Uvalde, less likely in the future,” said Sen. John Cornyn.

Joining Cornyn was Sen. Chris Murphy.

“We don’t have a lot of time there is a sense of urgency in the country,” Murphy said.

Not a part of the bipartisan team, however, are Florida’s two Republican senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.

Scott’s office released a statement to Local 10 saying that: “Senator Scott is not working with Senator Murphy or any other Democrat on federal gun legislation. Senator Scott is focused on how we can continue to make schools safe. That’s why he’s fighting to pass commonsense legislation like the Luke and Alex School Safety Act, named after two victims of the horrific Parkland shooting, and continues to question the obviously vicious political motives of Chuck Schumer who blocked the passage of that bill this week and continues to lie about it.”

The Luke and Alex School Safety Act would require the Department of Homeland Security to establish best safety practices for school districts and law enforcement to help prevent tragedies from happening.

Sen. Ted Cruz spoke at the National Rifle Association on Friday in Houston, which is 300 miles away from Uvalde. Protestors were outside the NRA’s meeting demanding change.

Top proposals for gun measures on Capitol Hill include expanding background checks to include sales online and gun shows, and a federal red flag law that would allow authorities to temporarily take guns away from people deemed dangerous.

Sen. Chuck Schumer has said that he is giving lawmakers 10 days to find a solution.

About the Author
Ben Kennedy headshot

Ben Kennedy is an Emmy Award-winning Washington Bureau Chief for Local 10 News.


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