Attorneys seek new trial for suspect accused in wild shootout

MIAMI ā€“ A wild shootout was caught on camera inside a convenience store in Miami in 2019, and now the lawyers for one of the two men convicted of robbery and conspiracy are asking for a new trial.

Surveillance video obtained by the Miami Herald shows the two armed robbers and a store clerk shooting at each other inside the Grab-a-Snack store in Liberty City.

Customers were inside the store at the time, but luckily, no one was injured.

The video shows a man in a yellow hoodie walking in frantically, jumping over the counter and seemingly demanding money.

Thatā€™s when the clerk pulls out a gun and opens fire on the suspect, prompting the wild shootout.

The robber ran away and dropped his gun, even hiding behind a stand of chips at one point.

He then picked the gun back up and started shooting at the clerk again.

The second robber is also seen firing several shots.

Both suspects were convicted of robbery and conspiracy in the shooting, but lawyers for one of them, Roderick Hamilton, are now asking for a new trial after one juror said he believed he wasnā€™t guilty.

Hamiltonā€™s defense team says thereā€™s not enough evidence to prove heā€™s the person seen in the video with the gun at the entrance of the store.

They say there also isnā€™t any DNA or fingerprints linking him to the scene of the crime and cellphone records show he was near his nieceā€™s house at the time of the shootout.

As for the other suspect, he was identified by fingerprints and video surveillance.

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