Jailhouse calls lead to charges of witness tampering in human trafficking case

Grettel Caceres Crego and Raul Antonio Jiminez-Rodriguez were arrested in January on charges of prostitution and human trafficking. Now a third woman is charged with witness tampering. (Miami Dade Police Department)

MIAMI, Fla. – Recorded jail conversations with a human trafficking defendant has landed a woman in hot water and facing charges.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle and Miami Springs Police Chief Armando Guzman announced the arrest of 32-year-old Junet Infante-Madruga for her alleged involvement in an attempt to have a 19-year-old human trafficking victim change statements that she made to police.

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The investigators said there was also a plan to destroy possible electronic evidence.

Investigators said Infante-Madruga’s recorded jail telephone conversations with defendant Raul Antonio Jimenez-Rodriguez, who is facing multiple charges that stem from a January arrest, outlined ways to destroy evidence against him.

Investigators said there were also instructions on how to intimidate the victim into recanting her previous statements. The plan was to threaten her family to get her to change her statements, according to investigators.

On Jan. 22, Jimenez-Rodriguez and 30-year-old Grettel Caceres-Crego were arrested at the South River Suites hotel in Medley. Both are facing multiple charges in connection with human trafficking and prostitution.


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