MIAMI – Organizers of Wheels Up, Guns Down gathered on Wednesday at the Miami-Dade community relations board to find a solution with law officials when it comes to their events.
In the past, it has created major problems on the road with hundreds of illegal vehicles taking over streets and highways with many ignoring traffic laws.
“There was a shooting this weekend and that’s what triggered them to come to the table,” said North Miami Beach deputy chief Evrens Ford.
Dwight Wells, an organizer for the group, wanted to take action and find some common ground where members in the community can ride peacefully while at the same time maintaining safety on the roads.
“I do understand the concern, that’s why we are looking for the right ATVs that are legal and legit in the roads of Miami-Dade County,” Wells said.
The focus of the meeting was for members of the organization and law enforcement to start a dialogue on the issues at hand.