Jai alai ending for good at Dania Beach casino after 69 years

(Casino at Dania Beach)

DANIA BEACH, Fla. – Go ahead and plan that last trip to the fronton. In late November, the Casino @ Dania Beach will be ending its jai alai operation.

The casino confirms that this jai alai season will be its last, with the final games scheduled for Nov. 28.

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Dania Beach has hosted jai alai for the past 69 years and is one of the last facilities in the country hosting the gambling-driven game. (Magic City Casino and Casino Miami are among the others.)

“It is with a heavy heart that we say a fond farewell to the sport of Jai-Alai in Dania Beach,” Arnaldo Suarez, CEO of The Casino @ Dania Beach, said in a statement. “Generations of fans have enjoyed this exciting sport in our fronton for almost 70 years.”

Games continue until the end date on Wednesday through Saturday nights starting at 7 p.m. and with 1 p.m. matinees on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

The Casino @ Dania Beach is located at 301 E Dania Beach Blvd.


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