Woman fetches mop from drugstore to fend off masturbating man, police say

A man identified as Giraldo O. Palacio was arrested in front of the Miami Beach Walgreens store after a woman told police he had followed her and her children while masturbating. (WPLG)

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – A woman tried to put an end to a man masturbating outside of a Miami Beach drug store by going inside and getting a mop with the intent of striking him, but before she could take any action, police had already seen Giraldo O. Palacio exposing and touching himself in front of the store.

On Thursday, Aug 19, just before 10 p.m., Miami Beach police officers were patrolling the 1400 block of Collins Avenue, according to a report, when they saw Palacio and a woman standing over him shouting “You are disgusting,” police said.

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As police approached the scene, the woman had stormed off into the Walgreens along with her two children and then returned with the mop. When she saw police, according to the report, she told them that Palacio had been following her and her children for several blocks while openly masturbating behind them.

Police said he then sat in front of the drugstore and continued his actions in front of other passersby.

He also shouted to one of the officers, “I love you baby, you are my boyfriend.”

Palacio, 55, whose address on the report was listed as homeless, was arrested for lewd and lascivious exhibition on a child.

The woman did not face any charges despite her alleged intent to assault the man.

She and her children were asked if they needed any assistance, such as a support person to speak with, but they denied services. The woman did not face any charges despite her alleged intent to assault the man.


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