German shepherd with no hind legs getting prosthetics, needs a home

SOUTH MIAMI, Fla. ā€“ A German shepherd without back legs is getting a new start to his life with rehabilitation and prosthetics and possibly a new home.

His foster mom, Karla Huffman, says she believes his disability is because of backyard breeding.

ā€œA good friend of mine reached out and said thereā€™s a dog that needed to be re-homed and he has no back legs,ā€ said Huffman.

Ryder is a 1-year-old German shepherd and the only one of three in a litter to survive.

ā€œThis is what happens with backyard breeding. They inbreed, they overbreed,ā€ said Huffman. ā€œWe decided to take him in because we didnā€™t know where he would end up.ā€

It was not until recently that Ryder started getting treatment funded by Picolinis Animal Rescue.

Dr. Marta Sanchez-Emden says itā€™s hard to tell what exactly happened to Ryders hind legs, but she believes it happened after birth.

ā€œHe has gotten use to walking in an abnormal way because he has no paws. Kind of like a hunch like a kangaroo,ā€ she said.

The young pup has been coming twice a week to the Animal Health and Rehab Center in South Miami to walk in a water-filled tank.

ā€œHe has limited hip extension , limited knee extension , very weak hind muscles because heā€™s not using them,ā€ said Sanchez-Emden.

He has been fitted and is waiting for prosthetics to arrive. The vet will then assess how they will go about integrating prosthetics into his life.

ā€œItā€™s challenging because animals are not use to having shoes. They are not use to having things on their body.ā€

Because of the therapy, Ryderā€™s home will need to be local.


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