Local 10′s Louis Aguirre recognized by Miami-Dade County for work to help save environment

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – Local 10 News anchor and environmental advocate Louis Aguirre was honored Tuesday by the Miami-Dade County Commission for his work reporting on environmental issues and the ongoing mission to save Biscayne Bay.

“This wonderful person has been covering saving Biscayne Bay and talking about resiliency and the needs in this county and educating our community so they don’t trash our treasure. And that is something we appreciate so much from you,” Miami-Dade County Commissioner Rebeca Sosa said. “So today, we want to say thank you for all you do. But also, never stop.”

And Louis indeed doesn’t plan on stopping his environmental advocacy anytime soon.

You can see his next “Don’t Trash Our Treasure” report Wednesday night on Local 10.


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Sign up for Coastal Cleanup Days in Miami-Dade County

Send us your “Don’t Trash Our Treasure” story ideas and questions for Louis Aguirre

See a list of beach cleanup groups where you can volunteer to help


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