PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. – Two men and local officials were on a mission to save a baby bald eagle before it’s too late.
Phil Martin knows a thing or two about eagles.
“They are a symbol of our great nation,” he said. I’ve been watching this eagle’s nest now for approximately 12 years.”
So has Dr. Ken Schneider. Both men had their bird worlds recently shaken when something happened to the nest.
“About a week and a half ago we’ve noticed that the nest had collapsed,” said Dr. Schneider.
A nest with two baby American bald eagles. While a female eaglet was pretty quickly recovered, her brother was missing.
Volunteers and eagle watchers notified authorities.
Over a week went by with no sign of the baby bird. Long time watchers and lovers of the eaglets’ parents were on the verge of giving up hope.
“Just as they were ready to leave, he says, ‘wait a minute, I can see the eaglet,’” said Dr. Schneider.
The missing baby eaglet was found hiding in a deep trench, with only its yellow feet visible.
Fire rescue crews finally were able to rescue the fallen bird.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission took it to the same sanctuary as its sister.
“I feel very confident that if it wasn’t for the efforts of the Pembroke Pines Fire Department, these eagles would’ve perished,” said Martin.
It was a happy moment for our nation’s most beloved symbol of freedom and strength.
“It’s amazing that we were able to get both of them back, so we’re so happy,” said Martin. “I cannot describe the joy that I have knowing that these bald eaglets now have a second chance on life.”