Over 100 rodent droppings found at South Florida restaurant ... many in the oven

Bargain Family Restaurant in Hollywood. (Google Maps)

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – The Bargain Family Restaurant in Hollywood was ordered shut last week after an inspector found over 120 rodent droppings, many of them in an oven.

Records show when the inspector returned for a re-inspection the issue still existed and was worse.

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State records also indicate Peruvian Kitchen in North Miami Beach has not been allowed to re-open due to their roach infestation.

The Peruvian Kitchen was first ordered shut Feb. 26 and has remained closed.

The inspector has been back there three times since the original closure.

Below is a list of places that were ordered shut and some of their violations.

As of this publication, Peruvian Kitchen and Bargain Family Restaurant remain closed.






“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed over 30 rodent droppings inside oven on cook line  Observed 10 rodent droppings under steam table Observed over 50 rodent droppings on floor of kitchen on sides of refrigeration units Observed over 30 rodent droppings on floor under 3 compartment sink and around hot water heater.”

“Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Observed over 30 rodent droppings inside oven on cook line  Observed 10 rodent droppings under steam table Observed over 50 rodent droppings on floor of kitchen on sides of refrigeration units Observed over 30 rodent droppings on floor under 3 compartment sink and around hot water heater **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-12: At callback inspection, observed 10 rodent droppings on a shelf/pass through window behind the microwaves on the cook line. Observed 1 rodent dropping on the floor under the deep fryer. Observed 4 rodent droppings in the cooling unit on top of the non-working refrigerator. Observed 1 rodent dropping on top of the water heater. Observed 2 rodent droppings on an electrical conduit behind the water heater. - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-12: Observed 5 rodent droppings on the floor behind the water heater. Operator removed the droppings and cleaned and sanitized the area. Observed 2 rodent droppings under an electrical box on the wall behind the water heater. Operator removed the droppings and cleaned and sanitized the area.”

“Interior of microwave soiled with encrusted food debris.”


18117 NE 19TH AVENUE






“Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. Observed in the kitchen: approximately 150+ live roaches behind the reach in cooler and in a wall behind open cracked tiles, 3+ live roaches on the food cart that holds roasted chicken, 2+ live roaches crawling in the oven, 2 live roaches inside the reach in cooler gasket, 2 live roaches crawling on the preparation table while ceviche is being prepared, 12+ live roaches in a box with an uncovered cooking oil, 1 live roach crawling by the three compartment sink, and 20+ live roaches behind the refrigerator. Observed 2 live roaches crawling the wall behind the refrigerator. Observed 4 live roaches in the hallway, and 2 live roaches crawling on the floor behind the front counter. . **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-02-27: At time of call back inspection observed in the kitchen: approximately 100+ live roaches crawling on sheet rocks and wall across from cook line, 7+ live roaches crawling on Coca Cola machine that stores condiments and sodas, 7+ live roaches crawling inside the reach in cooler, 5+ live roaches crawling between wall and oven, 4+ live roaches crawling inside oven, 20+ live roaches crawling under the three compartment sink. Observed 6 live roaches crawling on the floor of the front counter, 5 live roaches crawling on the front counter reach in cooler that stores ice cream, and 10 live crawling roaches in the dining hallway. **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-04: At time of call back inspection observed in the kitchen: approximately 4 live crawling roaches in the wall, 1 live roach under the three compartment sink, 2 live roaches crawling on the floor of front counter, 2 live roach inside the front reach in cooler that has flan and sodas; 1 live roach crawling on a plastic wrapped food cart, 1 live roach inside a package of dry cup on top of the refrigerator, 2 live roaches crawling on boxes of potatoes under a shelf in the back storage area. . **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-12: At time of call back inspection observed in the kitchen: approximately 3+ live roaches in the three compartment sink, 1 live roach on the liquid dish detergent, 1 live roach on the pipes of the hand wash sink, and 3 live roaches crawling on the wall by the three compartment sink; observed approximately 40+ live roaches crawling on the floor and the wall in the back storage area that stores dry food, has a refrigerator with food, and single service items on shelves. **Time Extended**.”

“Dead roaches on premises. Observed in the kitchen: approximately 10+ dead roaches behind the reach in cooler, 3+ dead roaches on the food cart that holds roasted chicken, 3+ dead roaches in front of the stove, 2+ dead roaches inside the reach in cooler, 3+ under the preparation table, 4+ dead roaches under the three compartment sink, and 12+ dead roaches behind the refrigerator. Observed 2 dead roaches in the hallway, and 3 dead roaches behind the front counter. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-02-27: At time of call back inspection observed in the kitchen: 100+ dead roaches inside the kitchen, dining areas, hallway, and front counter. Observed 1 dead roach on top of reach in freezer that stores ice cream, at the front counter. **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-04: At time of call back inspection observed approximately 12+ dead roaches is the establishment: kitchen, hallway, back door; 2 dead roaches inside the front counter reach in cooler that has flan and sodas. **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-12: At time of call back inspection observed approximately 3 dead roaches inside the three compartment sink, 1 dead roach under the three compartment sink, 2 dead roaches on the kitchen floor; approximately 12 dead roaches in the back storage area that stores dry food, refrigerator with food, and single service items. **Time Extended**.”

“Floor soiled/has accumulation of debris. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-02-27: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-04: **Time Extended** - From follow-up inspection 2021-03-12: At time of call back inspection observed floor in the kitchen area is clean. *Complied* Observed floor in the dry storage area has dead roaches, and dust. **Time Extended**.”

About the Author
Jeff Weinsier headshot

Jeff Weinsier joined Local 10 News in September 1994. He is currently an investigative reporter for Local 10. He is also responsible for the very popular Dirty Dining segments.


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