Miami-Dade makes sultry new ad to promote ... mask wearing

Screengrab from Miami-Dade County social media ad to promote mask-wearing. (@MiamiDadeCounty on Twitter)

MIAMI – Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the Miami-Dade County Twitter page?

In the latest attempt to promote mask-wearing to stop the spread of COVID-19, the county government is turning up the heat with a slightly suggestive animated ad.

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Latin music plays as a woman saunters across the beach in a swimsuit whispering, “I wear it for you” as looky-loos not so subtly sneak a peek.

When the camera pans up, we find out that — spoiler alert — she’s talking about a face covering that matches her bathing suit.

“Wearing a mask on the outside says a lot about who you are on the inside,” the tagline reads.

Good one, Miami-Dade County!

If double entendre is the secret to getting South Florida safely get through this pandemic, keep it coming.

The ads were also posted in Spanish and Haitian Creole.


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