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South Florida public schools continue to work on plans to reopen when its safe

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Broward County and Miami-Dade public schools released presentations about preparations to reopen schools when the districts consider it safe to do so.

Both Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho and Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie agreed it was too soon to reopen schools, so students are returning this fall to virtual classrooms.

The new software used for distance learning will allow teachers to see their entire class simultaneously. Students will also be able to see their peers. There will also be options for after school aid.

“You may have one single mom that’s got three kids in school and she’s gotta work ... I mean there are just no two ways about it,” Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters. “I think that we should be flexible. You should be attuned to circumstances on the ground.”

DeSantis was in Hillsborough County on Monday to visit a charter school, and he once again touted parent choice as schools began to reopen in other areas of the state where there aren’t as many cases as in South Florida.

DeSantis’ administration issued an executive order mandating schools to reopen buildings and classrooms, but he has also talked about the flexibility that counties in hot zones have.

Runcie and Carvalho have both agreed not to continue distance learning as long as 10% or more of the people who are tested for the coronavirus test positive.

Broward students begin distance learning on Aug. 19 and Miami-Dade students begin on Aug. 24. Broward County will reassess the situation on Oct. 1.


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