Flooding causing problems for Brickell businesses trying to reopen

MIAMI – Flooding over the past couple days has been the cause of a lot of issues for local businesses who are trying to get back on their feed.

In Miami’s Brickell neighborhood, the stores along Southwest 12th Street were just starting to see some life, but the rain has caused flooding, making the road useless.

The general manager of one of those businesses, the Hampton Inn Brickell, said water reaches all the way to the hotel's front door.

He said it's been a problem for nearly a decade.

"With the amount of water that we saw yesterday, we don't feel like it resolved the problem," said Eduardo Chapoval. GM of Hampton Inn Brickell. "The cars drive and throw water on people sitting on the tables. It’s just terrible."

He told Local 10 News some work was done in late October of 2019, but the flooding remains an issue in the area.

City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez told Local 10 News on Tuesday that he's going to look into why flooding was so bad.

"I’m checking with our city manager because Brickell and Mary Brickell have two pump stations with a capacity of 50,000 gallons a minute, and either they were overwhelmed or they didn’t work," Suarez said.

The mayor said he's counting on the city's $200 million resiliency program called Miami Forever.

“If they were just overwhelmed, that means we were at capacity, and that’s pretty scary,” he said of the pump stations.

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