Thieves go on drunken stealing spree inside closed Brickell bar

Owner just wants his ‘No Music, No Life’ custom sign returned

MIAMI, Fla. – A trio of vandals ransacked a closed restaurant in Brickell causing thousands of dollars in damage.

Surveillance cameras captured two men and a woman inside Barsecco Restaurant and Lounge at 1421 S. Miami Ave., around 1 a.m. on May 1.

While the crooks rummaged through the patio area, cameras captured the woman taking down a pricey sign hanging behind the deejay’s booth. The woman appears to be wearing an ankle monitor, an electronic surveillance device for criminal offenders who are on parole or probation.

“They look like any other drunks I’ve ever seen,” owner Jose Vazquez said. “At least one of the guys was smashed.” Vazquez described what he saw on the surveillance video inside his restaurant. “He plowed his face into the pillow, in the couch, and he stayed there for a few minutes, so yeah they’re just drunk idiots.”

The owner said the thieves took off with a speaker, bottles and decorations including a custom-made sign that reads, “No Music, No Life.”

Vazquez said they left him with about $4,000 worth of damages.

He is offering a $1,500 reward for information that leads to the arrest, but what he really wants back is the sign. Vazquez said he did file a police report, but said he will not press charges if he gets the “No Music, No Life” sign returned.


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