HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – Virtual learning continues across South Florida due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it's also Teach Appreciation Week.
On Wednesday, three elementary school teachers are being shown lots of love, thanks to a special surprise from their students.
The unsuspecting teachers thought they were meeting parents delivering gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week at a local Target.
Instead, just after clock struck 5 p.m., Melanie Mochan, Alexandra Schrier and Christian Pardo were met by an all-out parade; a salute to the hard work they do at Ben Gamla Charter School, to keep their students educated, even in these strange, uncertain times.
"This has been unprecedented, and the staff has been incredible," said Principal Sharon Miller. "Really, they have risen to the occasion."
Usually, the school goes all out for Teacher Appreciation Week, but this is something no one will ever forget.
“Our kids are ready for the next grade,” said Miller. “I’m lucky, because I’m working with the best teachers in South Florida.”